Ta F*ck? – IOTW Report

Ta F*ck?

8 Comments on Ta F*ck?

  1. The pictures they’re showing are an RPG. This dumb ass shit does not diminish the real threat to DJT’s life. I’m reading the DOJ, FBI, and in particular Home Land Security want to see him dead. So they don’t get shot up against a wall. The United States Secret Service is the lone hold out. Which would explain the sudden push to be put back under the purview of the Treasury Department. Trying times lay ahead.

  2. Now where and how would/did a student get an RPG or SAM?
    What is the student’s ethnic background? His age?
    Is he one of those foreign exchange students that overstayed his student visa?

  3. The left wants Trump dead. By any means necessary. So this smoke and mirrors bullshit show is to make it look like it was a foreign terrorist and not the actual conspirators in the DNC/DOJ/FBI etc. And if they succeed in killing Trump you KNOW it will be the FBI who “investigates” the event…to insure the truth is NEVER KNOWN about what really happened.


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