Why Kamala’s Border Visit Was a Total Disaster – IOTW Report

Why Kamala’s Border Visit Was a Total Disaster


Vice President Kamala Harris visited the border, another ‘check off item’ to make her seem like she cares about illegal immigration. Harris is an illegal immigrant’s best friend, and no zero-hour pivot is going to change that, especially since it was released that hordes of rapists and murderers were allowed to trot into the country. It’s insulting to everyone’s intelligence, but Harris claims she is going to be Ms. Tough Gal on the border.


12 Comments on Why Kamala’s Border Visit Was a Total Disaster

  1. Uncle Al
    Sunday, 29 September 2024, 11:15 at 11:15 am

    “I hope the next Kakala disaster involves an autoerotic asphyxiation mishap.”

    If I couldn’t choke her, NOTHING can!

  2. What was that Border Agent doing, showing her how tall the fence is or the strokes used to paint it?
    That was a terrible photo op.
    I read she tried to blame Trump for the border crisis.
    Does she think everyone will forget she and Joe have been in charge for almost 4 yrs?

  3. Did she tell the border control agents she was raised in a middle class family?
    Her mother had to pay bills!
    That should make up for her calling them the KKK for “whipping” “migrants”…

  4. That hand under the chin during the debate was so phony. Her handlers
    told her to do that to appear thoughtful. Totally opposite to the real Kamala Harris, a cheap fake and liar, about as deep as a sheet of paper.


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