Fed Judge Bars AZ SoS’ Disastrous Election Rules – IOTW Report

Fed Judge Bars AZ SoS’ Disastrous Election Rules

Red State

In an awesome win for conservatives and election integrity in November’s elections, a federal judge has barred liberal Arizona Democrat Secretary of State Adrian Fontes from putting into practice new rules he inserted into the state’s official procedures on the state’s canvassing process of election results. And the judge did, indeed, compare it to nukes. More on that in a minute.


3 Comments on Fed Judge Bars AZ SoS’ Disastrous Election Rules

  1. Harris got busted using actors posing as “former republican” farmers in Pennsylvania.
    I get the same type of text spam here in Nevada.
    “Hello, Earl here, I’ve voted republican all my life, I’m voting for Kamala this year…”

    They include their photos.
    All of them look like rancid, demented lesbians.

  2. The way I read that is, if R’s in one county deny certification because of fraud, the SoS must include the faulty total and complete the statewide certification. No lawsuit claiming fraud will be allowed to stop the final statewide tally.

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