Why Can’t Kamala Harris Prove She Worked At McDonald’s (And Why It Matters) – IOTW Report

Why Can’t Kamala Harris Prove She Worked At McDonald’s (And Why It Matters)

Town Hall

I’ve had a lot of jobs. No, seriously, A LOT of jobs. More than 80. I’ve done everything you can imagine, from roofing to being a busboy, from making sandwiches in a deli in an office building to being a press secretary in the United States Senate. I was even a “Merry Maid” for an hour – I filled out the paperwork, watched the training video, realized it was not for me, told the supervisor, and walked out. There isn’t much I haven’t done, and much I did for a very short time (I had an attitude when I was younger). I’ve quit, been fired, and stopped showing up. I skipped a week of work as a bartender at Red Lobster to visit my then-girlfriend at college, then went back, and no one said a word. 

The one thing all my jobs had in common is that I actually had them. I can provide details about each of them – what the job entailed, where it was, co-workers, funny stories, etc. – because I actually did them. Kamala Harris hasn’t done anything of the sort with the “job” at McDonald’s, which makes me think she’s lying about it to cover for the fact that she grew up a wealthy, privileged child of two tenured professors.

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16 Comments on Why Can’t Kamala Harris Prove She Worked At McDonald’s (And Why It Matters)

  1. If the IRS cannot provide truthful information showing she actually worked at McChoke and Puke, no one can. They keep tax records on everyone. Also Social Security would have records of her withholding amounts from her employment there, proving she never actually worked there as they have no such records.

  2. Everything Trump say’s the fucking MSM will state “without evidence…Trump say’s…”

    They NEVER fact-check that lying cunt.
    You CANNOT hate the media enough…

  3. Can we also discuss the clapping seal behavior the Vice President of the United States displayed when she knew the answer….”on a sesame seed bun!”. She looked like my 2 year old granddaughter when she gets a color right in her story book. What an embarrassing idiot

  4. …she keeps running commercials here in OH claiming she worked at McDonald’s.

    …but the only way it might be true is if she worked the truckers in the parking lot with her mouth, and I doubt she would fill out a W-4 for that…

  5. …that said, it may prove difficult to prove some employment. My first “real” job was a Mom and Pop Formosan restaurant which went out of business long ago, and all their records were kept on paper in the pre-IT ages and I doubt they kept theirs for 40 years, and I certainly didnt keep mine.

    Maybe the IRS has a record, I certainly filled out a crap ton of 1040 EZs over the years, but how accessible that is to the average employer I do not know.

    But there ARE people who worked WITH me that I remember that would probably remember ME.

    And NO ONE says they remember Kommie in a McHat back in the day.

    Just like NO ONE remembers going to Columbia with Barry Soetoro…

  6. They went up and down the Mid-Atlantic to find Corn Pop, because the steal wasn’t a sure thing then, and nobody knew if hiding and lying would work for Biden. I guess they don’t even bother looking for Kamala’s Hamburglar because they know the fix is in now, so why bother. You must believe all the women!


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