British Cleric Dies in Ecstasy-Fueled Romp with Belgian Priest – IOTW Report

British Cleric Dies in Ecstasy-Fueled Romp with Belgian Priest

Breitbart: An Anglican clergyman who traveled from the UK to Belgium for the recent papal visit died during an alleged drug-fueled sexual liaison with a Belgian Catholic priest.

The 69-year-old British cleric, a retired Anglican chaplain, traveled to Belgium for Pope Francis’ visit and reportedly died after ingesting “ecstasy and poppers” while engaging in sexual activity with a local priest.

The 60-year-old Belgian priest, identified as “Father Bernard” and who has since been arrested on suspicion of trafficking narcotics resulting in death, hosted the British cleric at his rectory at Sint-Jozefskerk (Saint Joseph’s Church) in Kalmthout, where the death occurred. more

26 Comments on British Cleric Dies in Ecstasy-Fueled Romp with Belgian Priest

  1. One of the many reasons western civilization is collapsing is because western Christianity has been entirely taken over by faggots and Marxists. Where’s the Spanish inquisition when you need it?

  2. From the article:
    “Church officials will have to decide whether the priest can ever work in a pastoral role again”
    Really? They’ve done so well with this kind of stuff in the past, just sayin’.

  3. The Anglican Church was founded so Henry VIII could get a divorce.

    When a religion is founded in sin, you cannot be surprised when it continues in sin.

    Interesting that he picked a Catholic preist for his perversion though, given that the Anglicans split from them in the first place.

    But thats NOT how you heal six centuries of schism tho, and Im pretty sure faggotry isnt pleasing to the Lord in EITHER version of their respecive Bibles…just more oath breaking, pretty wildly popular with the kids these days, so much so that Im only surprised they havent made it an Olympic sport, it’d fit right in there at the blasphemous transvestite table…

  4. The Catholic Church imposed the celibacy rule (which prevented marriage and inheritance under primogeniture) in 1139. The purpose of the rule was to insure that the Church, not children, inherited a deceased priest’s assets.

    The scheme worked fabulously well, making the Church extremely wealthy and dominant in Europe during the Middle Ages.

    A rule designed to prevent legal heirs, however, did not do anything to prevent fornication. What it did arguably prevent were a lot of sexually healthy and normal heterosexual men who wanted families from entering the priesthood.

    Marriage/remarriage restrictions, albeit somewhat lesser, also plague the Orthodox and Anglican churches.

    No matter how rationalized as a good thing, the long-term effects of these celibacy rules and marriage restrictions, are why, compared with general population demographics, a disproportionately large percentage of priests are homosexuals or perverts. (Side note: if you can be forgiven almost anything by just confessing and doing penance — another money-making scheme, well, that just diminishes incentive to behave properly amd responsibly in the first place.)

  5. The one isn’t a Catholic priest, he is an infiltrator with no more legitimacy than Bergoglio. Regarding the Anglican, not my circus and that isn’t one of my monkeys.

  6. “Interesting that he picked a Catholic preist for his perversion though, given that the Anglicans split from them in the first place.”

    Doing their small part to reconcile the denominations of Christianity .


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