Thomas Crooks’ Parents: Behavioral Health Experts in the Spotlight – IOTW Report

Thomas Crooks’ Parents: Behavioral Health Experts in the Spotlight


As a follow-up to AbleChild’s report on the less-than-stellar hearing by the Bipartisan Task Force on the Attempted Assassination of Donald J. Trump, it seems important to discuss issues surrounding what role the alleged shooter’s parents might have played in the shooting.

First, almost immediately after the shooting incident there were several news reports about a phone call that was made by the alleged shooter’s father, Matthew Crooks, to police prior to the shooting incident.

According to the BBC “The father of the gunman who tried to assassinate Donald Trump called police before the Saturday shooting because he was concerned about his son.” And the BBC further reports that “Matthew Crooks’ father called police because he was worried about his son and his whereabouts…”

Another news report provides more detail about this phone call. According to the Daily, “The parents of Trump’s would-be assassin, Thomas Matthew Crooks, called the cops to say he was missing before the shooting.”  The Daily Mail further explains that “his father told law enforcement he assumed his son had gone to the shooting range at The Clairton Sportsmen’s Club to practice with his rifle and would be back by 1pm on Saturday.” MORE

7 Comments on Thomas Crooks’ Parents: Behavioral Health Experts in the Spotlight

  1. The reason the proseuction of the latest would-be assassin was delayed is avoid investigation into it which would lead to FBI and other swamp goons being complicit in trying to kill Donald Trump. If that dumb whore Harris becomes presient, forget about any investigation at all.

  2. The doppelgänger from Arizona or Crooks is still out there. We have not a clue who the stiff was that they conveniently disposed of. You know damn well they had DNA from both available to dummy up the “investigation”.

  3. @ It’s all bullshit FRIDAY, 4 OCTOBER 2024, 16:57 AT 4:57 PM

    Like they care who knows. Their reputation is and has been shit for decades. It’s not about hiding the truth, it’s about getting away with it.

    When DNs are confident that they have enough power, be it over a small group of people (family members, co-workers, social circle, cult), or on a macro scale, such as in a government, large corporation, or The Church, they will become progressively more bold and VISIBLE in their crimes in order to generate ever-higher amounts of diabolical narcissistic satisfaction.

    Now here is where it gets interesting. For DNs, the commission of their crimes and malefactions themselves are NOT the most potent source of diabolical satisfaction. No – the real rush, the “high” that they crave more than anything is THE GETTING AWAY WITH IT. Specifically, DNs luxuriate in watching other people, whether it be out of fear or sycophancy, pretend to not see, or better yet lie to cover, or even better yet, positively defend and justify, their crimes.

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