Bad Joke Friday – IOTW Report

Bad Joke Friday

With Wendy and Brock.

11 Comments on Bad Joke Friday

  1. Canadian husband to wife: “did you get your hair wet”? Canadian wife to husband: “No”! Canadian husband to wife: “Oh, so you peed through a straw, EH”!

  2. Joey Biden got 81 million votes!

    Funniest shit I ever heard!
    I know … I know … NOBODY’S dumb enough to believe that …

  3. A wife got so mad at her husband that she packed his bags and told him to get out! As he walked to the door, she yelled, “I hope you die a long and painful death!” He turned “So you want me stay?”

  4. A man was passing through a cemetery late at night and fell into a newly dug grave. Unable to get out he started yelling for help. A drunk heard his cry and went to see what was wrong! The man asked the drunk to help him out of the grave because he was very cold! The drunk responded: “No wonder you are cold you don’t have any dirt on you!”

  5. Two older women are talking about their plastic surgeries. One tells the other about her new surgery called The Knob. She tells her how they put a small knob underneath the hairline on the back of her head, and any time she notices some new wrinkles on her face she just gives The Knob a few twists, and voila, her face is smooth again. The second lady is quite impressed and decides to get The Knob for herself, so she goes to her plastic surgeon. For the first couple of years, everything goes well; whenever she sees any new wrinkles she gives The Knob a twist and everything is fine. After a few years however, she notices bags under her eyes and no matter how much she twists The Knob she just can’t seem to get rid of them. She returns to the plastic surgeon and tells him of her complaint. The surgeon examines her, and says that those aren’t bags under her eyes, but are her breasts. Oh, exclaims the woman, in that case I won’t ask about the goatee.


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