CBS-Affiliated Journalist Sets Himself on Fire at Anti-Israel Protest – IOTW Report

CBS-Affiliated Journalist Sets Himself on Fire at Anti-Israel Protest

Before you click the link, there’s a pic of some idiot with his left arm on fire. There. You’re warned.

—> WFB

‘End settler colonialism as it exists today, and heal the planet,’ Samuel Mena Jr. writes in letter.

21 Comments on CBS-Affiliated Journalist Sets Himself on Fire at Anti-Israel Protest

  1. Huh.

    He didnt set his RIGHT hand on fire, guess he still wants his right available for angry self-help sex later with the only person willing to put up with his bullshit.

  2. …pretty pussy to not set your ENTIRE self on fire, Chief.

    But no worries, you may have killed yourself anyway.

    …you see, burns make your body do things, like leak plasma, which screws up your blood volume. This can lead to burn shock, which looks a lot like hemorragic shock because of the volume loss, except the pain can make you pass out, in his case hopefully in whatever dark corner he normally wanks in, so he cant seek help and no one finds him until he starts to smell.

    Then theres infection. Even a light burn across a large percentage of skin is considered critical because the best barrier to a whole host of infections, the skin, is damaged. This leaves the border open, so to speak, for a wide range of opportunistic infections, known clinically as “invasive burn wound infection”, to be resettled throughout his useless body.

    …this can kill in a variety of ways, but sepsis and septic shock loom for idiots who dont seek medical help quickly (as I suspect this chucklehead wont), but even in a hospital environment the odds are GREAT for him to die of a nosocomial infection unless specialized tools and highly trained and VERY careful personnel are used in managing his care.

    Then theres recovery.

    Burned tissue tends to scar and retract when healing, causing hands to become claws even if the underlying muscles are not damaged, and pulling joints like elbows in and locking them. This sometimes requires surgical intervention to cut and regraft the healing skin, again opening it to infection, but can also require mechanical debriedment. This is where someone comes at him with a scraping device and tears all the dead skin off the edges of the wound, leaving it pink and raw and SUPER sensitive. a toned-down image is below.

    There’s all kinds of OTHER risks and fun, but this will do for now.

    …so this genocide fan is in for a self-serve world of well-deserved hurt, whatever happens in Gaza, and may well have killed himelf unintentionally in the bargain. Good job, goat-rapist fan, may your support for genocide be noted at your Judgement.

    …but heres the irony.

    He will likely survive, only to learn nothing and probably blame the pain on the doctor who saves his life and maybe even his arm.

    And that doctor may very well be Jewish…

  3. You’d think that creatures such as this have such intense self-loathing and hatred for everything in the world around them that they’d be able to focus that emotional fire and ignite themselves. They are their own accelerant.

  4. One of my uncles a World War 2 Navy veteran was severely burned when his PBY seaplane crashed in the S. Pacific nearby a coral reef and was saved by a Marine who swam out and saved him. He became a junkie for a while because of being addicted to all the morphine that they gave him for his pain from his burns, he bore those scars for the rest of his life and was a lifer serving in the Navy from 1941 until 1975/76 retiring as a Master CPO.

  5. geoff the aardvark
    Monday, 7 October 2024, 9:04 at 9:04 am
    “He became a junkie for a while because of being addicted to all the morphine that they gave him for his pain from his burns…”

    …first, thank God that He sent us men like your uncle and that Marine when this Nation needed them the most. Were it not for selfless men like them, we would be living the dream of would-be tyrants like Kerry today.

    And thank you for your service in a thankless war. We have said that before here, but I dont think we can say it enough, especially to Viet Nam vets like yourself. Thank you.

    …but you touch on another aspect of burn injuries, which is that they hurt.

    A LOT.
    And KEEP hurting.

    Pain will make a man crazy. Pain will make a man an addict. Pain will make a man take dangerous things for relief if he is denied effective treatment.

    Pain will make a man kill himself to get away from it.

    …And therein is my point.

    Any man who invites pain to himself to make a cheap political point that will be forgotten tomorrow is a fool, insane, or both. Such a man has no judgement, no sense, and no respect even for himself.

    Such a man can never be trusted.

    Being injured in the line of duty is noble.

    Deliberately maiming himself is simply stupid.

    …sometimes the burned hand teaches best. A child that ignores verbal warnings about fire may only learn to recoil from it when they try to touch it themselves.

    Perhaps this young man may find Pain an apt teacher, if he survives. Perhaps the agony that keeps him awake many, many nights will speak to him of his many errors that led him to that point, not the act of burning alone. Perhaps he will be a changed man as a result.

    But somehow I doubt it…


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