Study:  Covid ‘Vaccines’ Cause Mental Illness – IOTW Report

Study:  Covid ‘Vaccines’ Cause Mental Illness

Slay- A major study has uncovered evidence of psychiatric adverse events from Covid mRNA “vaccines,” proving that the injections have caused a surge in mental illness.

The study was conducted by leading researchers in South Korea who analyzed the data of over two million residents in the nation’s capital city Seoul. read more

See Also: Study of 1.7 Million Children: Heart Damage Only Found in Covid-Vaxxed Kids.

12 Comments on Study:  Covid ‘Vaccines’ Cause Mental Illness

  1. This is why you cant throw your rigorous and methodical testing protocols to the wind just ’cause youre scared.

    Fear, whether warranted or not, causes poor decision making.

    We will be paying for the results for generations to come.

    If there ARE any generations to come…

  2. I have wondered about this. Locally there has been a retired high school teacher that lost it and thought people were trying to kill him, he was shot and killed by police. And the incident where a police investigator broke into a home and was shot and killed. Some people said he was having a mental health issue.

  3. How many people trusted “the science” and have ended up being harmed? How many people were forced to take the vaccine in order to keep their jobs? How many people now will never trust the government again when it tells you what it thinks you should do with your body? The damage is incalculable and will be long lasting.

  4. I think so.
    I have an aunt and uncle who were in pretty good health before the shots.
    My uncle had a heart attack after getting the series and now also has Parkinson’s after never being sick all of his 82 yrs and even though he’s said the shots caused his heart attack they still get them every year.
    If that isn’t mental illness, I don’t know what is,

  5. My sister came down with turbo lymphoma in 2022 after her third jab. She only did it because her libtard daughters refused to let her visit her grandchildren un-jabbed, even after fully recovering from the wuhan flu a few months earlier before getting any jabs.
    She went through chemo and was in full remission for over a year and had just been through her quarterly review with everything A-OK. Then two weeks ago she got SUPER turbo leukemia. WBC count 180,000 within days. She died last week at 71 from a heart attack because of the outrageously high WBC count.
    RIP Susan.


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