Why Does Kamala Harris Keep Repeating The “Unburdened” Quote? – IOTW Report

Why Does Kamala Harris Keep Repeating The “Unburdened” Quote?

Chris Williamson and Eric Weinstein discuss Kamala Harris’ repeated phrase. Where does this phrase come from according to Eric Weinstein?

((He also thinks Kammy is smarter than she looks. Is she?))

14 Comments on Why Does Kamala Harris Keep Repeating The “Unburdened” Quote?

  1. I’ve noticed that when people don’t have a lot say, they tend to repeat themselves as filler. We used to haave a Preist (key word Used to) who repeated everything. He’d say something to the left side then repeat it to the right side nodding while he said it like we were children. To this day I couldn’t tell you anything meaningful he ever said, but he could have said his nothingness in half the time by not repeating it… just like Kamala!

  2. “Don’t be taken in by Level I.”

    Loved the points Eric was making at the end. I have referred to W’s metamorphosis from sharp debater who trounced equally sharp Gov Ann Richards to the underboob who said “nucular” and pretended to be a conservative Republican statesman. We would never had oBozo the Fraudulent if we didn’t first have W who blew a Trillion $$$ in Afghanistan and Iraq for the sole purpose of enriching the Military/Industrial Complex. And, lest we forget, vindicating his shyster father’s masculinity vs Saddam.

  3. By using the phrase “unburdened” she wants you to ignore the negative consequences of their actions. So just because they made a mess in the past, even if they repeat the same actions, maybe the results will be different.

  4. It’s a paraphrase of a commie quote. I don’t remember who first said it.

    It is essentially saying “We can progress into the ideal society that exists in our imagination if we shed the shackles of our preconceived notions based on past experience”.

    In other words, “Ignore history and reality and we can achieve utopia”.

  5. To find the answer to this question, one needs to look no further than to recent video of her mindlessly and awkwardly repeating the same phrase until the teleprompter came back on. She can’t communicate freely without being told what to say.

    She uses the same phrase repeatedly because it scored high on some internal polling metric, and the people who supplied her with that phrase know if they give her another phrase to supplement it, she’ll jumble the two together.

  6. Glenn Beck talked about this months ago and thinks it’s referring to being “unburdened” by the past traditions of the country and its real history and pushing Communism as a way past our history and freedom.

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