How’s It Going? – IOTW Report

How’s It Going?

16 Comments on How’s It Going?

  1. “How’s It Going?”

    Fine, here on the west coast, not so great for those poor folks in Florida.

    Any decent caring American ,”God, please shelter and protect those in harm’s way”

    Any leftist ,”Those Trump supporters are all nazi’s and deserve what they get”.

    This is where we are at as a nation.

  2. As I’m typing this, our Maine Coon cat, Felix, is sitting in the window next to me looking out. He’s three times the size of a normal house cat and he’s as black as a bowling ball. It’s dark out but I’m sure he sees all. He is a gentle soul, and he is very kind to his smaller brother who has epilepsy. He is my buddy.

  3. Just out of the hospital from heart surgery – successful I might add. Thank God for the resources and infrastructure America still has left no thanks to Biden-Harris and the left wing cabal.

    Love my wife and proud of my daughter and still standing strong in my faith in God.

  4. @The Obsolete Man

    Thank you for your testimony of your faith in God. Even one sentence can encourage others. It reminds me that others are facing difficult times and need prayer.

    Heavenly Father bless my brother. Thank you that his heart surgery was successful. Give him the strength to be that overcomer. In Jesus’ name amen.

  5. I was going to post something depressing, but decided not to.

    I do believe that the Lord will ensure Trump a presidential victory in order to bring His nation back to where it belongs.

  6. I do not know how things will move forward, who will be president, what will happen in the world, or anything of the future. I do know who holds the future in His hand. He will not be mocked forever and will continue to shape things according to His will. Praise be to the Father, and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be. World without end. Amen

  7. The waiting for the election is horrible. I feel like our country is a condemned man, awaiting a governor’s reprieve. And if our country dies, we die with it, unless we seceed.

  8. I just got home from my Citizen’s Academy class for our local (Southern California) fire department. I am in awe of the firefighters and all the support staff.
    I get to go on a ride-along with my local station next Monday.
    We learned that our search team, which had been deployed to help post-Helene, is now in Georgia, waiting to help post-Milton.
    Thank God for the helpers.
    How it’s going – I am grateful to be in this world, in this country, living a good life. God bless us all!

  9. It’s October.
    It’s surprise season.
    I expect the worst.
    They won’t go quietly into this goodnight.
    Woodward is chirping again.
    MSM is about to go insane.
    Ballot printers go “brrrrrrr”

    Gird your loins people…

  10. I will say this: On Friday my kidney function was so low they didn’t think my heart would recover from the dye needed during the surgery….the surgeon said they would wait two days. We prayed and waited and the function improved…God is great and prayer changes

    things my brothers and sisters…not a miracle but testimony to God’s creation.

    I have made peace with my Loving God and savior regardless of how things turned out. Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers.

    God is good all the time and will prevail despite b the shennagans of evil powers and people.

  11. Obsolete Man – you are NOT obsolete!

    Thank you for sharing, and thank the Lord for allowing to to share your knowledge and wisdom with us.

    May you, and may all of us, live to see the resurgance of America within the next year!

  12. MJA
    How precious of you to create this tender hearted post today.
    We are counting our blessings while safe and sound in our home. Praying for those who are under extraordinary fear. All my days have I enjoyed a good electrical storm with loud thunder, wind, and rain. Florida hurricanes? Not so fun.
    God Bless and keep those in danger. Bless the rescuers.


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