Actor Reveals Moment ‘Holy Spirit’ Led Him Away From Hollywood – IOTW Report

Actor Reveals Moment ‘Holy Spirit’ Led Him Away From Hollywood

Faithwire: Cameron Arnett’s career in Hollywood is a play with two acts.

“This acting thing chose me twice, at two different points in time,” the celebrity told CBN News.

When he first went to Tinseltown, the now-63-year-old star was not a Christian. In fact, he wasn’t really even interested in acting; as a pre-med and pre-law student planning to pursue a career as a cardiologist, work in Hollywood was, as he called it, an “accident.”

Arnett was quickly caught up in the “trappings” Hollywood offered him, though. Chasing dollar signs and stardom, the fledgling actor was taking on episodic roles on shows like “Star Trek: The Next Generation” and “Miami Vice” and starring in made-for-TV movies.

Along the way, though, the actor underwent a spiritual awakening. more

4 Comments on Actor Reveals Moment ‘Holy Spirit’ Led Him Away From Hollywood

  1. …This man is of Haitian extraction.

    …I point this out for anyone who thinks Haitians are all irredemable voodoo practicioners who will never be anything but evil sponges and cat eaters.

    Not saying all Haitians are good. Far from it. Neither are all Americans.

    But I AM saying that Haitians are created by God just as we all are and can do good or evil as we all can, treat a man for who he IS, not where he’s FROM.

    This man is one example.

    The Haitian man I teamed up with to save a physical life with is another.

    A place may shape a man, but God can always break the clay he makes us from on the wheel anew to remake a man as he should be.

    This is separate from an immmigration argument. Im not saying we should try to save the world. Basic triage says you cant save everyone, and if you try you will end up saving no one. We’re full, no more from anywhere would be best at this time.

    …but as for those who are here, they have the same Creator as us.

    Treat them as such until they give you cause to treat them otherwise.

  2. Wonderful testimony – Revelation 12:11 “And they overcame him (Satan) by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony…”

    Hollywierd is a wicked arena, but faithful Christians can proclaim – 1 John 4:4: “You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world”.
    Yes, The Spirit of God, dominates any spiritually corrupt force of Satan.
    Christians should be following the great example of this faith man, representing the goodness of God through Christ in the world.

  3. Great point SNS. This is a battle between good and evil. God wants all men/nations to know Him, despite the degree of evil.
    Matthew 24:14, “And this Gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations.”
    If the nations come to you by invasion, Christians are still obligated and commanded to reach them with the Gospel.
    To the point that they are compelled to self deport to spread the Word in their native countries and compliant when they are deported by law.
    What Satan meant for evil, God turns to good. God wins!


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