Hey, She Travels A Lot. What’s Your Problem??? – IOTW Report

Hey, She Travels A Lot. What’s Your Problem???

11 Comments on Hey, She Travels A Lot. What’s Your Problem???

  1. This from the same haughty idiot who told Lester Holt “I’ve never been to Europe, either…what’s your point?” after he said she hadn’t been to the border. She’s pretty rude to these black men. Just saying.

    Maybe she should stick with the “from the middle class” non sequitur.

  2. Back in the late century (early 1990’s), I got a call from an engineer friend from Siemens who had consulted on my project. He said he was going to be in town and wanted to know if that “Jamaican” restaurant I told him about out in the delta was still there, and if so HE would spring for lunch for my team and I. He told me to make reservations in his name for the five of us, and I told him if I’m going to use your name I’m also going to use your accent! The thought that was funny since he was born and raised in Trinadad…but so was the woman that owned the restaurant.
    When we got there and met the owner I told her I was Richard Mapp! She said “ah yes that was so refreshing to talk to a fellow islander, we had such a nice chat.” The crew was stunned and stood there in silence, the finally the real Richard (much taller and quite a bit darker) said HE was the real Richard and make sure he got the bill. The lady aske me when I had been in the islands and learned to speak with the proper inflections which would have been different that traditional Jamaican, I told her it must have just rubbed of from working with Rich for so long!

  3. Doc, that reminds me of working with Bill. Bill used to ride Bell System horses to telephone poles. Bill said “Dowha” for door, “Far” for fire, and “More gooder” for stuff that was more gooder.

  4. I worked taking apart the old hot type, 2 storey, Boulder Daily Camera printing press, and crating it for shipment to its next home in Santo Domingo. They had sent someone to work with us, so he would know how to put it back together. While nailing plywood to the side of one of the crates, he hit his thumb with his hammer and said ‘fouke!’ We all stopped working and spent a considerable amount of time teaching him to curse right, which he would have to do, if he was going to work with us.


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