Report: Accused ISIS Terrorist, Brought to U.S. by Biden-Harris Admin… – IOTW Report

Report: Accused ISIS Terrorist, Brought to U.S. by Biden-Harris Admin…

Worked as CIA Security Guard in Afghanistan.

3 Comments on Report: Accused ISIS Terrorist, Brought to U.S. by Biden-Harris Admin…

  1. Not to excuse the Biden cabal, but the authors mean “brought to US by the CIA”. ISIS is an IC partner/asset. John McCain was in on it, as were all of the neocons.

    Michelle Bachmann had McCain’s number, and she was right in the letter she wrote to McCain about the Muslim Brotherhood and Huma Abedin. That was in July 2012. Recall what happened in Benghazi in Sept. 2012.

    But even she didn’t know what was going on with ISIS, McCain and the CIA. And now former SOS Hillary Clinton’s cutout, Huma Abedin, is marrying George Soros’ son. Our IC and FoPo people are treasonous fools and sellouts.


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