Very Strange Things Are Happening in the Sky – IOTW Report

Very Strange Things Are Happening in the Sky

America First Report

(End of the American Dream)—Okay, this is starting to get really weird.  At the same time that the Middle East is erupting in flames, the U.S. is being pummeled by major natural disasters and we are preparing for the most pivotal election in modern history, extremely unusual things are happening in the heavens.

The “Comet of the Century” is making a spectacular run past our planet, the Sun has unleashed an extremely powerful coronal mass ejection, a “second Moon” is now orbiting our world, and it is being suggested that we are witnessing an “intriguing alignment of constellations and stars” that appears to relate to events written in the Book of Revelation.  Are we really supposed to believe that it is just a “coincidence” that all of these things are occurring simultaneously?


18 Comments on Very Strange Things Are Happening in the Sky

  1. “When beggars die there are no comets seen;
    The heavens themselves blaze forth the death of princes.”
    -Shakespeare, “Julius Caesar”

    …pray for our President, Donald J. Trump.

    Only Heaven can protect him fr the backstabbing Brutuses now…

  2. …of course our President Trump, being the man he is, would give Caesar’s answer and a good one, too…

    “Cowards die many times before their deaths;
    The valiant never taste of death but once.
    Of all the wonders that I yet have heard,
    It seems to me most strange that men should fear,
    Seeing that death, a necessary end,
    Will come when it will come.”

    …And that is the true danger.

    They do not know the hell that will be unleashed on them if they kill this ONE man who is the ONLY reason they arent being paid traitor’s wages NOW.

    Never mind March, Mr. President.

    Beware the first Tuesday in November…

  3. Gee Wally, I’m just surprised that the Loony Left hasn’t demanded that we shut off all broadcasting because the magnetic fields is affecting comets and planets…

    No kiddin Beave. Hey, maybe we can get Elon to build a giant metal pyramid over the Earth!

  4. …to carry the Shakespeare one step further, in the event they DO as sasinate our President, steal the election, or both, THIS…

    …times 100 million.

    Starting a civil war is one thing, winning one quite another, as Brutus and pals FAFO’d

    And we know the dogs of war just a little bit better than they do…

  5. “4 But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.” ~ Daniel 12:4 KJV

    In August, 2016, I had a ‘dream’ that candidate Trump married America. From that point forward I had no doubt at all that he would be president. That was the first of 3 dreams that occurred in the intervening years.

    Last year sometime and again in the spring of this year I’ve had 2 dreams about the planets and stars. The last one showed our galaxy on parade as each of the planets in our solar system passed overhead in a a single line as though they were nearly within our atmosphere. It was breathtaking.

    “And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out My Spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men* shall dream dreams.” ~Acts 2:17 KJV *old women, too

    I’ve seen the documentary the writer refers to. If you’ve not seen it, it’s a fascinating perspective about what John saw on Patmos. I haven’t yet decided how I think about it, but it does seem to make sense and could help explain the almost psychedelic descriptions contained in Revelation. I think the title is “The Stars of Revelation”. It’s on YT.

    That we are in the end of days I have no doubt at all.

  6. The prophecies in Revelation are mostly about the destruction of Jerusalem in 70AD. It was written to a first century audience. Stop trying to drag it all into the present to be about us…..

  7. I am having a very good day today; I can sense the presence of God in me letting me know that all is well with my soul and America as well. I was up in the middle of the night last night praying for God’s will to be done with the election 24 days away now for President Trump’s protection as well as JD Vance and even Elon Musk from the evil that is surrounding this country right now and is doing its damndest to destroy America. I believe that Donald Trump is a flawed man like all of us and has found favor with God and will prevail in winning the election. This is totally on faith because no one knows what’s going to happen, but I honestly believe that God is on the move with divine supernatural protection over both America as well as Israel. TRUMP/VANCE 2024! And besides joey might be being used by God right now to help bring about Harris/Walz’s downfall because of how they mistreated him in July and effectively staged a coup to remove him from any influence as the sitting and duly elected President. God can throw the biggest monkey wrench ever into this mess and bring about good out of the evil intentions of the democraps.

  8. And on a completely different note, the Catholics at Trinity Catholic school and St. Anthony’s Catholic Church across the street from my house, and Trinity is just behind my house are holding their annual funding raising event of a cow plop that’s been going for at least the last 25 or more years. We call it bovine bingo because if the cow takes a dump on your square which you buy a ticket for you can win up to $2000 dollars. We won $50 dollars one year. There will be a street fair next to my house on the street next to my house with the street blocked off for the day. But there’s a twist this year, instead of a cow it’s going to be a horse since they couldn’t get a cow. When my daughter and I came back from getting groceries an hr. or so ago we saw a young lady riding a horse down the street in front of our house which is extremely unusual. And I just talked to a guy outside my fence who ‘s working getting everything set up for the street fair that they’re using a horse this year instead which I told him it was a good idea. I’ll call it equine bingo this year. My border collie Kirby is going to go nuts when he sees that horse. The cow plop has been a tradition for many years next to my house and it’s always fun and exciting to watch and besides it’s good clean fun. Yee haw!

  9. The Catholics even have a small beer garden (they have a liquor license for this annual one-day event) on the lawn of the rectory where the priest for St. Anthony’s lives. And that is just kitty corner from my house. And a good time is had by all both young and old.

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