11 Million Potential Mental Health Patients Surge at the Southern Border – IOTW Report

11 Million Potential Mental Health Patients Surge at the Southern Border


Illegal immigration into the United States is a topic second only to the economy during this Presidential election cycle and Americans appear to have little empathy for those that continue to flood over the Southern border. So, it seems predictable that the taxpayers won’t be any too happy about ensuring mental health services are made available to those who are viewed as breaking U.S. immigration laws.

A recent article, though, describes how these illegal or undocumented aliens “are at a higher risk of developing severe mental health disorders.” Apparently, this important study looked at nearly 1,000 people that had immigrated to another country and compared their mental health to that of natural citizens of the same age.

The data are not what any country would appreciate having as it suggests that a large number of illegal immigrants reviewed suffered psychosis at twice the rate of their natural born counterparts. The experts suggest that the detrimental mental health effects could be due to the trauma of migrating during important times of social development. Yes. One could surmise that ripping a child from its surroundings and home might be mentally and emotionally problematic. more

8 Comments on 11 Million Potential Mental Health Patients Surge at the Southern Border

  1. …this is why Barry Soetoro removed the ability of insurers to put any limitations on mental health care payments, its a scam that goes on forever and NEVER, EVER has a quantifiable “cure”…

  2. Wild Bill,

    It WILL happen because we know how “stable” the left is.

    Here was my response to that post:

    The problem he is talking about is due 100% to the media telling whoever will listen that Trump is evil, bad, scary, and mentally damaged. They tell everyone that he will destroy the country and do everything he can to destroy them.

    They actually believe it. They don’t see that they are saying that Trump is going to do exactly what the Democrats are already doing now.

    How people believe them, I cannot fathom. Weren’t they alive during the four years Trump was president? Did he do ANY of what they say he’s going to do?

    People just don’t know how to think for themselves anymore.

  3. The data are not what any country would appreciate having as it suggests that a large number of illegal immigrants reviewed suffered psychosis at twice the rate of their natural born counterparts.

    There’s a quick and easy sure-fire solution: ballistic trepanning


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