Humiliation Ensues for Pro-Hamas Idiot When She Tears Down What She Believes Are Israeli Flags from Restaurant – IOTW Report

 Humiliation Ensues for Pro-Hamas Idiot When She Tears Down What She Believes Are Israeli Flags from Restaurant


On the left is the Greek flag (with a Christian cross), in the center is the flag of Cyprus. On the right, the flag of Israel (with the Star of David).

She’s an absolute idiot.

Gateway Pundit:
No one has ever accused the protesters advocating for Hamas against Israel of having actual brain cells. Still, one incident that has gone viral this week demonstrates that there is no bottom to their level of stupidity.

A pros-Hamas agitator posted a since-deleted video on TikTok Tuesday showing herself tearing down what she thought were Israeli flags outside of Efi’s Gyro in Montclair, New Jersey.

“Look at this sh*t!” she shouts while ripping the supposed Israeli flags down from the eatery. “Free Palestine, bi**h!”

Two of the eatery’s workers then come out and are puzzled by the woman’s antics.

“What are you looking at?” she says. “You know d*mn well there’s a genocide!”

“There’s a genocide happening!” she continues. “I don’t support genocide in Montclair.”

The workers then drop a brutal reality check on the pro-Hamas idiot: The white-and-blue flags she was tearing down are Greek ones, not Israeli ones. more here

11 Comments on  Humiliation Ensues for Pro-Hamas Idiot When She Tears Down What She Believes Are Israeli Flags from Restaurant

  1. Although her race is not a factor in her stupidity (I can easily see a stinky, hairy armpited purple haired feminist do the exact same thing) where it does play a part is the expectation, from her, that she is a privileged class and that not only will nobody stop her but that there will no be consequences, because, you know, racism.

    The article mentions an active investigation, but we all know, including the idjit involved, that nothing will happen to her. Only white males get prosecuted for this type of thing.

  2. That is how they show their allegiance to their dark Prince. These progressive/Marxist/Satanists are compelled to show that they are down with the current thing irrespective of what little they know and based solely upon what the propaganda arm of the progressive/Marxist/Satanist movement tells them they must not only believe, but must consider sacrosanct. Matters not if it is diametrically opposed to what they went to bed the night before fully invested in. What matters is they are not only among the hip and cool, but that they are evangelicalizing and/or vehemently against anyone who has the temerity to disagree with all or even part of today’s message.

    I saw three of the boneheads on a busy street corner reciting the talking points, with tears streaming down their faces holding an Ukraine flag upside down wile shouting out what they had been told on Good Morning American Dumbasses. Not one of the three could locate Ukraine on a map if their lives depended on it. Not one had a clue what the war was over. Not one, but they were out there to engaging in a one way enlightenment of the benighted.

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