Anthony Fauci: The Man Who Thought He Was Science – IOTW Report

Anthony Fauci: The Man Who Thought He Was Science

Jay Bhattacharya

As a young medical student, I admired Tony Fauci. I bought and read Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine, a vital textbook that Fauci co-edited. In reading his new memoir, On Call, I remembered why I admired him. His concern about his patients’ plights, especially HIV patients, comes through clearly.

Unfortunately, Fauci’s memoir omits vital details about his failures as an administrator, an adviser to politicians, and a key figure in America’s public health response to infectious disease threats over the past 40 years. His life story is a Greek tragedy. Fauci’s evident intelligence and diligence are why the country and the world expected so much of him, but his hubris caused his failure as a public servant.

It is impossible to read Fauci’s memoir and not believe he was genuinely moved by the plight of AIDS patients. Since the first time he learned of the illness from a puzzling and alarming case report, his laudable ambition has been to conquer the disease with drugs and vaccines, cure every patient, and wipe the syndrome from the face of the earth. He is both sincere and correct when he writes that “history will judge us harshly if we don’t end HIV.”

When an aide in 1985 offered to quit when he contracted AIDS for fear of scandal at Fauci’s beloved National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), Fauci hugged him, declaring “Jim, you crazy son of a bitch, there is no way in the world I would ever let you go.” This was Fauci at his best.

But Fauci paints an incomplete picture of his attitude toward AIDS patients in its early days. more here

17 Comments on Anthony Fauci: The Man Who Thought He Was Science

  1. I believe the only reason he was kept around to handle the COVID shit show, was BECAUSE he was an absolute failure during AIDS shit show.
    Why would a government who hates us, bring in someone who would actually save lives?
    The more of us they can kill off, the better for them.

  2. I read the piece and am not moved by it. It did nothing to alter my differing opinion of the obnoxious sawed off runt. He’s a treacherous little self serving opportunistic prick who’s never been about anything but self promotion.

  3. And don’t forget the NYC orphans who Fauci experimented on when trying to find a ‘cure’ for AIDS. Many died at the hands of this modern Josef Mengele. Then he forced AZT on people with AIDS. AZT was as effective as remdesivir, i.e. it killed people in order to help big pharma’s bottom line not help the patient. Fauci’s record is one of death, destruction and bad medicine. He needs a date with a guillotine or the gallows.

  4. I was running the streets on a Squad crew the first time this homicidal little gnome tried to terrorize the medical community for no reason. He was spewing basically all the same end-of-the-world bullshit THEN that he does NOW. T listen to THIS little fucker you would think you could get AIDS from touching a blanket with dried sweat on it.

    Fortunately doctors were actually independant then, had their own practices, their own staffs, their own experiences and their own minds.

    And they werent cowards.

    …we saw all the CDC stuff and I was naïve enough at the time to still believe in government (I had the name of one prominently displayed on my uniform, after all), but we had protocols set by a doctor as our Medical Director, and he basically told us to ingore the hell out of that guy, that Universal Precautions were sufficient, just be extra diligent about cleaning and removing gauze when an AIDS patient was transported, and a little extra bleach on the cot wouldnt hurt.

    It helped too that HIPAA wasnt a thing then too. We were able to identify and share information about AIDS patients then among ouselves and between ourselves and the ER, to the benefit of both caregivers and patients.

    HIPAA was invented SPECIFICALLY to mask AIDS status and make that exchange of information illegal.

    For political reasons.

    …Everything that murderous bastard said then proved to be a lie, just like it did THIS time, but it was FAR more damaging NOW because Obamacare takeovers and medical corporatization destroyed indepenent practices even as it drove the old school docs out with increasingly absurd demands. Doctors now are beholden to corporations for their staff, the Federal Govenment for their pay, to increasingly leftist State governments for their licensure, and are populated by DEI hires trained by political universities that are not confident enough in their skills to dare buck the system even if they disagree with it.

    Modern medicine is defensive, they actually WELCOME Federal rules and regulations as this insulates them from personal liability as long as they can show they murdered their patients following the rules of the State.

    I dont know whats in his black little heart, whether its hubris or arrogance or evil or simple ignorance, but I dont really care. Few have killed as many as HE has, and he INSISTS we CONTINUE crippling and killing children and adults just to continue hus cover for his demonstably genocidal ideas.

    He deserves to die, but hes just the START.

    Hes infected many others with his falsehoods, and they too must recant or swing.

    Before an entire generation is lost.

  5. that was a good post SNS. if only you had the same insight with battery tech. with the recent ev video you posted I’m surprised you don’t tell everyone here to wear a mask. real propaganda was your EV video link. I complete lie and you can’t see it

  6. I keep up with firefighting both online and with folks here who are actual firefighters, plus Ive had a fleet of battery powered automated guided vehicles under my management for the last 29 years, along with miscellaneous forklifts.

    The battery storage tech just isnt there for these to be safe and practical for everybody in everyday situations.



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