Are They Setting Mandala Up to Lose? – IOTW Report

Are They Setting Mandala Up to Lose?

Oops… Kamala. Dern spellcheck.

(WND News Center)—Republicans certainly have been making note recently of key statements by senior leaders in the Democratic Party that have been viewed as undermining the campaign of Kamala Harris. They’ve even been using them in ads promoting former President Donald Trump’s campaign, sometimes including nothing more than a statement by a Democrat, and Trump’s confirmation that he approved the message.

It’s those with the Biden name, the Clinton name, and others, who have been unleashing startlingly anti-Harris comments recently.

And now former House Speaker Newt Gingrich has put into words what he believes is going on: more

14 Comments on Are They Setting Mandala Up to Lose?

  1. Clinton, Biden and Harris have all lost because President Trump is the better candidate. No set-up necessary.

    Now, if Gingrich is talking about not cheating as a way to set-up a loss then maybe.

  2. “ … that sometime in the last two weeks, Joe and Jill looked at each other and thought, you know, wouldn’t it be a great legacy if Joe’s the only guy ever to beat Trump?”

    For this prick to validate the Democrat/Republican establishment narrative is indicative of what he represents. It would be akin to making a statement to validate robbing a bank as praising a their for making the largest withdrawal in the history of the institution.

    GTFOH, I may have been born at night, but not last night.

  3. JDHasty: I understand what you are say. You know, I know, we all know that the 2020 election was a fraud. Nonetheless, officially Joe Biden won. History will prove that the election was stolen, but right now that is a legacy Ol’Joe might want to protect.

    The powers that be are realizing nominating and electing Chance the Gardner and then decreeing his not-as-bright assistant as his replacement was not as good of an idea as they thought, but there just wasn’t another Barack Obama around.

  4. They….”the blob” have engineered this crash…..
    and now have decided that…..
    the right person to blame it on…..
    could either be “the kackler” or Trump45…..
    It makes no difference to them…..
    who gets left holding the empty bag…..
    They’ve already stolen the money.

  5. In my dumb opinion:

    The Demos Know they are swimming in shit.
    They know they have TOO MANY Radicals like AOC, Camel Toe & the Idiot Squad.
    They Know that the Biden is not a Corrupt Turnip lie has been exposed.

    So they are offering up Camel Toe to receive all the BLAME and some of the Radicals Wash Out & the Old Shit Bags like Pelosi & Killary Clunton drop dead waiting for the next chance in 4 Years. (let’s Hope)

  6. “…those seniors in the Democrat party ‘believe they know she led a soft coup against Joe Biden, and now they’re paying her back for the dirty work…”

    Just stop, please. Kamala can’t lead anything, especially a “soft coup”. And if she could muster up whatever it takes to do that, she wouldn’t have stopped at driving him off the campaign. She’d have started the Article 25 proceedings against him and seized the Presidency.

    The only “dirty work” she’s done is to be in the line of succession to the Presidency. Other than that, she’s never done any work at all. Whatever work came out of her office was done by her maligned and abused staff members, who quit their jobs in droves because she is a stupid, drunken bitch.

    The “seniors in the Democrat party” led the “soft coup” on old Joe, and they were tacitly ABK right up to the moment Joe produced that letter of resignation from the campaign. And note that this letter said nothing about endorsing Kamala; Joe added that himself, much to the chagrin of the “seniors”.

    So Newt, don’t pretend that Kamala outmaneuvered the power elites. Old Joe was their own misstep, and Kamala/Walz is just the crud on the bottom of their shoe, and they can’t scrape it off, so they’ll have to throw out this pair and buy a new one for 2028.

    And JDHasty, you ate right. The last thing on the establishment’s mind is creating a nice “He beat Trump” legacy for Joe Biden. Especially that purple-lipped prick who already has to swallow “81,000,000 votes, way moar than Obama!” for the rest of his life.

  7. I think the Dems know they are going to lose, so they set up Harris to take the fall. This way they can get rid of someone they hate and keep her from running again in 2028.


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