Prayer Request – IOTW Report

Prayer Request

Illustr8r’s BFF since the 3rd grade has stage 4 ovarian cancer. “She was my Maid of Honor at my wedding. We might be polar opposites politically but that has never interfered with our friendship. iOTW prayers needed. For her and maybe for me too.”

25 Comments on Prayer Request

  1. thoughts and prayers during this difficult time. when loved ones are ill, i have tried to support with medical advocacy if willing. medical information dump on the patient is stressful. further, i have found lots of overlooked contra-indications. i.e. father passed with allergic reaction to common chemotherapy. 20 dollar allergy test the insurance will not pay for. father was dead within 3 days of starting chemotherapy (5-fu) from anaphylactic shock, (very long painful death). making a phone call will be difficult with progression. someone with clear thinking and willing to do the research is worth its weight in gold.
    my friend has atrial flutter, getting multiple cardiac ablations, with limited results. found he was prescribed potassium with no lab results for 6 months. things get missed. further detective work found he is using a common sugar alternative (erythritol) daily in his coffee. erythritol is linked to cardio metabolic disease. be careful people food can be poison and medical community is not on the ball, its up to you. love and strength to you.

  2. May the Lord move on your friend whose name is known to Him, may He visit her with His healing in the way that He as her Ultimate Physician knows best. May He ease her pain and touch her in body and spirit, and may she feel His Presence beside her and His Spirit within her and be comforted that He will see her safely through.

    And may you, Illustr8r, also be comforted by His Spirit, and know that He who brought you together early in life did so for a reason, and that no matter how He chooses to heal her that she will be healed, and that you two will continue to be His blessing to each other, now and forever, come what may. Know that she is doubly blessed to have a freind such as you to be with her, pray with her, pray for her, and to love her with a sisterly love no matter what happens.

    May He bring you both comfort and healing even as He guides her earthly doctors to the very best they can be for her, in the merciful name of Jesus we pray, amen.

    God Bless,

  3. Absolutely, research JOE6PACK’S link. I’ve been researching this subject for a year. Look up Dr. Joel Wallach and Pharmacist Ben Feuchs. Google JOE TIPPINS. He cured himself of stage 4 cancer.

  4. to clarify. brand name of processed food sugar substitutes or any processed food, chemotherapy and prescription drugs does not indicate ingredients. must read the ingredients labels to determine contents. prescription drugs, chemo get more tricky to protect manufacturer investment. look for generic name to do the research. the brand name drug will differ some in contents, and is a trade secret nowhere to be found.

  5. My oldest friend was from the eighth grade, but I had to cut him loose, because he is a hard-core, intolerant leftist. It was less of a problem when I was a democrat, but there was still some friction.

    I began my journey to the right many decades ago, but recently, I had to stop hanging out with him because whenever I went to see him, he’d badger me with propaganda, and he and his newer leftist friends would use me as a punching bag. I have other friends on the left who are not obnoxious and tribal, so I know what is possible.

    Illustr8tor, if you have an old friend on the left who gets you, and you get her, more power to the both of you, and I pray that your friendship lasts for many more years, for the both of you, through thick and thin, amen.

  6. I have survived Ovarian cancer, Thyroid cancer, and Malignant T-Cell Lymphoma. My utmost and sincere prayer is to let you finish the work God has for you to complete. God Bless and give you strength.


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