Report: Hamas are surrendering in Gaza – IOTW Report

Report: Hamas are surrendering in Gaza

Recently reported: Hundreds of Hamas terrorists are surrendering to the IDF after they issued a “surrender or die” ultimatum in North Gaza.

5 Comments on Report: Hamas are surrendering in Gaza

  1. And what happens to them then? I wouldn’t trust them one little bit. They are liars who have been indoctrinated since childhood. You don’t want to die, ok, but what do we do with you then, if we can never trust you. Remember the story of the snake. “You shouldn’t have trusted me, because I you knew I was a snake.”

  2. Gee, imagine that. Who knew that once the Israelis stopped giving the first fuck what the progressive/Marxist/Satanist shitbags who have had a critical mass of dimwits convinced that they were the experts and to be listened to, that the Islamist terrorists would figure out real quick that they can’t get away with the shit they have been pulling any longer?


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