They Couldn’t Ask Questions at Karmela’s Town Hall- The Questions Were “Pre-Determined.” – IOTW Report

They Couldn’t Ask Questions at Karmela’s Town Hall- The Questions Were “Pre-Determined.”

Gateway Pundit– Kamala Harris and warmonger RINO Liz Cheney participated in a fake town hall with moderator Maria Shriver in Royal Oak, Michigan on Monday.

Kamala actually thinks it’s a great idea to stump with Dick Cheney’s daughter with two weeks to go until Election Day.

Liz Cheney and Kamala Harris will be holding town halls in three battleground states on Monday: Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin.

Kamala Harris thinks this is a winning strategy.

Let that sink in.

Maria Shriver told an audience member that they can’t ask any questions at Kamala’s town hall because the questions are “pre-determined.” more

13 Comments on They Couldn’t Ask Questions at Karmela’s Town Hall- The Questions Were “Pre-Determined.”

  1. A village set in Russia. Erected for the delectation of the empress, disassembled, transported quickly forward, set up again for the empress to view, rinse, repeat.

    Democrat party has been the party of the communist for sixty and more years, in the mid eighties the communist party USA quit fielding national candidates, saying that they would achieve all their ends through the democrat party. This has been the case and is currently the case. The phony baloney town hall is an example of the hubris the communists possess at this point. Right in your face with the lying, not even trying to obscure it.

  2. It’s what is known as a dog and pony show. It is an insult to the residents for government to advertise this kind of horse shit as public outreach. It is manipulative and dishonest and it is what is taught in every urban planning department in every public university in America today.

  3. …pre-determined, huh?

    “And the king shall do according to his will; and he shall exalt himself, and magnify himself above every god, and shall speak marvellous things against the God of gods, and shall prosper till the indignation be accomplished: for that that is determined shall be done.”
    Daniel 11:36

    …pre-determined, all right, ALL of this…

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