Harris’ Condescending Smear Moment Against Christians Risks Long Repercussions for Dems – IOTW Report

Harris’ Condescending Smear Moment Against Christians Risks Long Repercussions for Dems

Just The News– John Sullivan

Back during the 2008 presidential race, then-Sen. Barack Obama paid a heavy political price when he mocked Americans he claimed were clinging to “guns and religion.”

His opponent for the Democratic Party nomination, Hillary Clinton, immediately pounced and suggested he was an elitist out of touch with Americans who believed in God. Republicans called him intolerant and anti-religious. And the mainstream media declared Obama was “forced on the defensive” by his insensitive – if not elitist – remark.

Two decades later, the candidate for whom Obama is now stumping – Vice President Kamala Harris – just made a similar comment that could have similar repercussions even though the mainstream political reporting corps this time around have avoided giving it much attention.

“Wrong rally”

At a Harris campaign event in La Crosse, Wis., last Thursday, two pro-life students in the crowd shouted “Jesus is Lord” as she spoke about her support for abortion, and Harris immediately made clear the two were not welcome at her event.

“Oh, you guys are at the wrong rally,” she declared, exhorting cheers from the crowd. “No, I think you meant to go to the smaller one down the street.”

That clip has now been played endlessly on social media, and some conservative media outlets like Real America’s Voice and Fox News have covered the comment and the alienation it has created in communities of faith. But traditional campaign reporters have given few words to the whole matter. more here

21 Comments on Harris’ Condescending Smear Moment Against Christians Risks Long Repercussions for Dems

  1. Barack Obama paid a heavy political price when he mocked Americans he claimed were clinging to “guns and religion.”
    But the idiots voted him in twice.
    Kamala’s smear at Christians will have little impact because the US in no longer a Christian Nation

  2. “Sen. Barack Obama paid a heavy political price”

    Really? 2 terms as president, the adulation of all democrats, the undisputed leader and voice of his party, a cushy retirement paid for by democrat donors, not sure he paid any political price at all.

    All clear thinking Americans know that the Democratic Party is the party of atheists, religion defilers, mental incompetents and outliers of societal norms, her raging on Christians is red meat to her fan base.

  3. I posted last night we just got back from a road trip visiting a good chunk of the southwest. And I am encouraged by what I saw and the peeps I spoke with. Right now I think these polls are all manufactured bull shit and Trumps efforts have resulted in a “To Big To Rig” result. I read yesterday that if early voting trends continue Trump could possibly be declared the winner before election day. Now I might feel totally different next week, but right now I’m expecting a blow out.

  4. Kakala just doesnt like how shes characterized in the Bible…

    “For my loins are filled with a loathsome disease: and there is no soundness in my flesh.”
    Psalm 38:7

    …some people…just dont like the truth…

  5. The lying Satanic dems actually live on bullshit, deception and distraction.

    Trump is MORE than well ahead of the democrat liars, it’s a matter of the FACTS being acknowledged AND accepted.

  6. Too big to rig? WTF Sure Shirley just keep telling yourself that.
    Madame President Kamala Harris for life, who needs elections. Knows about hard working Americans as one who work at one while the Former Guy was diddling 13 yr oles with Jeffrey at Pedo Island.

  7. Last week some liberals were trying to link Trump’s Madison Square Garden rally with one the American Nazis put on in 1938 or 1939.

    Despicable. I don’t think I’ve read people on this forum saying that Biden, Kamala, or Walz are like Stalin or Mao. Those three are stupid and evil enough on their own. No need to invoke Stalin or Mao.

  8. Here’s a very telling statistic. POD casts like Joe Rogan, Megan Kelly, Shawn Ryan, eclipse the MSM by a huge margin. Huge. People with half a brain don’t trust network news. Except for that dumb shit troll above.


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