Bill Clinton calls GOP Arizona Senate candidate Kari Lake ‘physically attractive’ during speech – IOTW Report

Bill Clinton calls GOP Arizona Senate candidate Kari Lake ‘physically attractive’ during speech

Quick video here.
How hard do you think Hillary yelled at him after that comment? šŸ˜‚

17 Comments on Bill Clinton calls GOP Arizona Senate candidate Kari Lake ‘physically attractive’ during speech

  1. Well if he does put this on Bill’s tombstone:
    Here lies a draft-dodging, tax-evading, dope-smoking, coke-sniffing, drug dealing, money-laundering, pants-dropping, weenie-wagging, wife-cheating, girl-friend beating rapist, masturbating cigar-dipping pervert, finger wagging liar, self-centered, self-serving pedophile, hornswaggling, double-dealing, four-flushing, power hungry, money grubbing, influence peddaling Pants-Dropper-and-Thief who was convicted of perjury, impeached and disbarred and will forever be known as the low-life bicycle seat-sniffing trailer park troll that dragged our nationā€™s morality down to the level of an Arkansas outhouse and introduced the term ā€œblow-jobā€ into the family kitchen on the front page of the morning paper while traveling around the world personally cashing in on selling our nationā€™s secrets and indeed the Presidency of the United States of America! Along with Travelgate, Whitewater, Castle Grande, Madison Guarantee, Cattle Futures, or Pardons for criminals, under the table ChiCom cash, Charlie Trie, the Riadies, Rich, Sandy (the thief) Berger, having an administration with the most convictions and guilty pleas, a Cabinet full of officials under criminal investigations and, oh yeah, getting a blow job from a barely legal intern in the Oval Office. His dishonesty is only exceeded by his unbridled greed and lust for power and that goes double for his criminal business partner that he calls a wife!

  2. Not at all. She wants her too. The Bimbos kept him busy while she chased skirts behind closed doors. You’ve seen that leer of hers towards young women more than once.

    Exhibit A:*4uzjpt*_ga*NjI3ODk5NzgxLjE3Mjk4MDQyOTM.*_ga_0DZ7LHF5PZ*MTcyOTgwNDI5My4xLjAuMTcyOTgwNDI5Ni41Ny4wLjA.

    They have a professional marriage. One of power and greed. Fidelity/ infidelity? Pfft! Whatever.


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