Poll: Half of Americans Support Migrant Deportations via Military ‘Encampments’ – IOTW Report

Poll: Half of Americans Support Migrant Deportations via Military ‘Encampments’

Breitbart: Pro-migration activists are skewing polls to hide Americans’ growing support for the deportation of illegal migrants.

An August-to-September survey by the PRRI, and funded by George Soros’s pro-migration Open Society network, pushed support down to 47 percent by asking a loaded question about military “encampments”:

How much do you strongly favor, favor, oppose, or strongly oppose the following? … Rounding up and deporting immigrants who are in the country illegally, even if it takes setting up encampments guarded by the U.S. military.

“That’s a push poll,” said Jon Feere, a former border enforcement official who now works with the Center for Immigration Studies. “If you ask the questions different ways, the numbers will fluctuate a little bit based on the word choice,” he told Breitbart News, but noted:

People are desperate to see our immigration laws enforced, so no matter how a pollster words it, they’re going to find a huge percentage of people want our immigration laws to be implemented by any means necessary.

The answer in the PRRI poll was 47 percent in favor, including 22 percent “strongly” favor, versus 50 percent oppose, including 22 percent strongly oppose. more here

13 Comments on Poll: Half of Americans Support Migrant Deportations via Military ‘Encampments’

  1. Quit putting up the illegal invaders in luxury hotels and I imagine a lot of them will self deport. If they get housing at all it should be a cot in a 12 man tent with a porta-potty outside.

  2. I don’t see why this is at all controversial. If you came home and found someone in your house, you would call the local government’s enforcement arm, the police, to remove them. This is just an extension of that; the enforcement arm in this case would be the military.

    There is a legal process for immigration, subvert that and your right to immigrate is now forfeit. Future border crossers would figure it out.

  3. the camps exist already, they have names like Radisson, Hilton, four seasons. simply pull up the buses, surround the building and empty it one floor at a time. bus them to the nearest air base and load them all on c5 planes and deport them all to bikini atoll.

  4. Is it going to be that simple? Round them up, ship them out? A couple thoughts/questions. Why are 85% of these leaches male, and of military fighting age? Why are the Biden Harris admin settling them all in the same spot as country of origin? An example, I have relatives that live on The Oregon Cali border where they’ve settled a whole battalion of ChiCom Regulars. The Gov has squeezed out a bunch of peeps and these ChiComs have taken over entire subdivisions of low rent housing. They roast pigs in a freshly dug pit in their front yards. There’s virtually no women. My son in law tells me the local militia is watching them 24/7 as well as local LE. What are the odds these assholes are armed? Why did china allow them to come here? Put this subject under “Things that rob my sleep”

  5. Why take the time and money to set up military camps for rounding up the illegals?
    Use the FEMA camps and trailers already in existence (that the Gooberment wants to use on us conservatives).
    But instead of having Gooberment troops guard the illegals, have locals that have been hurt by the illegals guard the illegals. Drunken driving auto accidents, family members raped/injured/killed, replaced at a job, low wages, etc.
    Oh, and any LibTards that come to protest the illegals’ treatment, throw them in the camp too for deportation.

  6. You want to know what segment of the population is 100% in favor of deportation of illegal immigrants?

    Legal immigrants.

    You know, the people who went through the proper process in their home countries and in this one: filled out the forms, got their shots, paid the fees, got sponsors, waited for their visas and their green cards, got jobs, paid taxes, and never expected free food, lodging, and phones.

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