Two Female Kamala Fans Scream and Curse At Little Girl – IOTW Report

Two Female Kamala Fans Scream and Curse At Little Girl

Gateway Pundit:
WOW! Kamala Harris Supporter Shouts “F-Word” In Face of Toddler In A Stroller, As Panic Sets In Over Trump’s Latest Poll Numbers (VIDEO)

Yesterday, it was announced that polls show Trump taking the popular vote lead for the first time since he began his presidential run in 2015. The polling data provided is from Real Clear Politics.

This new development marks a significant shift in voter sentiment heading into the next election and is sure to make Democrats behave in an even more unhinged manner. more

18 Comments on Two Female Kamala Fans Scream and Curse At Little Girl

  1. I watched the video, and I’m not defending the nut case at all, but it looks like the guy is holding a microphone and as he bent down to do something with his child, the cretin kept arguing and yelling into the mic which was in his hand, which resulted in her screaming into the face of the child. Zero situational awareness, of course, but why was the guy still exposing his kid to a crowd and a person like that?

    It’s easy to vilify our enemies, but we must hold our own to a higher standard as well.

  2. I know I’m being repetitive but…

    There IS NO middle ground, we CANNOT coexist with those that have such an extremely opposite view/agenda as those of us that believe in America First, the assurance of Constitutional rights, (especially the 1st and 2nd Amendments), free and FAIR voting, the protection of children…born AND unborn, controlled borders, freedom of religion and the list goes on because their opposition is endless.

  3. It was a black woman who pulled the screaming banshee away from the little kid in the stroller and castigated her for her actions.

    The black woman still has some decency to do that. I’d welcome her to our side.

  4. I’m beginning to feel better and better about the election in 9 days if the left keeps pulling shit like this. They’re cutting their own throats and don’t care or think that this is acceptable. Keep it up assholes and weep when kammy gets her ass kicked by Trump on election day.

  5. MS AA Nailed it! with logic & reason
    something hyper feminized leftist progtard females
    don’t possess ……

    My hat’s off to the lady that pushed her away from
    the baby. I would shake her hand.

  6. Back in 2002 the Sacramento Kings played the L.A. Fakers for the NBA Championship. We had more Laker fans showing up at our home games than locals. Robert Dinero was always court side, among other asshole. I was 46 then. 280 lbs, 36 inch waste, 58 inch chest, 22 inch arms. I’ll send pics if you want. At one point my then 7 year old yells go Weber, or mayber Lakers suck. I cant remember, but the end result was some blond bimbo Laker fans sitting directly in front of us spun around and yelled fuck you asshole into my 7 year olds face. At which point I stood up and said, you stupid bitch. She freaked but her boy toy heard all of this and before seeing me spun around and started calling me all kinds of vile names. Remember these venues seats are at about a 30 degree angle. So his reaction after seeing me with fire smoking out of my nostrils was to trip backwards into the seat below him. Which caught the attention of Arco arena security. They showed up and the loyal Kings fan explained exactly what happened, as the blonde bimbo accused me of punching her little faggot pal. Which never happened. I can prove it because he’s still alive. Anyway the end result was they got pitched from the game. Tossed. But the wife and I spent a good 48 hours explaining to a 7 year old that he did nothing wrong. People suck.


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