15.5 Million Adult Americans Think They Have ADHD – IOTW Report

15.5 Million Adult Americans Think They Have ADHD

Joe Hoft:


Like most alleged psychiatric disorders, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a fraud diagnosis. Put simply, and honestly, there is no abnormality in the brain that is ADHD.

The mental health and pharmaceutical industries can say it exists…that it’s a real brain disorder, but it just isn’t true. This doesn’t stop such august institutions like the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) from reporting that fifteen and a half million American adults suffer from ADHD. Of course, this is the same federal agency that said the covid vaccine was effective, would stop people from getting covid and stop them from spreading covid. Oops! MORE

25 Comments on 15.5 Million Adult Americans Think They Have ADHD

  1. Yeah, I think a lot of other adults have ADHD. Not me though.
    I do recognize that I can’t focus as well as I used to. Stupid phone, that I can’t do without.

  2. My spidey senses are tingling. Could there be a new pill soon to reduce my symptoms by 47% compared to 42% in the placebo control group? And have potential side effects including diarrhea, nausea, headache, kidney failure and seizures? Ask my doctor whether Ahabubab is right for me?

  3. If 15.5 million adult Americans think that they have ADHD they have been brainwashed into believing it by big pharma. This is a meaningless bullshit statistic used to scare the hell out of people to get them to believe that something is wrong with them mentally and they need to use govt. approved drugs to cure it. Quit believing all the damn lies the govt., big pharma and the media says are afflicting you.

  4. SOMA anyone or legal pot, take your pick and zone out and pretend that you’re back in the 60’s and never grew up. Far out man, pass the Doritos and Taco Hell and the Jack in the box late night stoner meals washed down with Mountain dew or worse Red Bull.

  5. This fakeness will be followed by a call ny “experts” for a “governmemt program” to subsidize the druggies.

    Let the kids get out and play OUTSIDE. Get them off their butts, away from overstimulating screens, and cut the caffeine and “energy drinks” WAY back. Kids ahould go to bed at night not because it’s bedtime, but because they are tired.

  6. In north of 90% of cases I have recognized it as one of the progs universal excuses they use to explain away responsibility for shitting on others.

    Here’s an example. Friend’s wife’s kid looses or destroys everything the bastard can get his hands on. Every last thing. Claims ADHD or ADD or whatever. I told the guy to tell him to cut the bullshit. When was the last time he lost or destroyed his cigarettes? Can you think of one single time he lost or destroyed his cigarettes? You can’t, can you? So, it doesn’t apply to things he gives a shit about, does it?

  7. Here’s my deal on ADHD. First of all it’s all bull shit. You know who’s a prime candidate to be diagnosed with ADHD? Elon Musk. I’ve been fortunate enough to meet some really brilliant people that are just like Elon. Just about the time you think they’ve totally lost it they pop loose with the most logical solution to the problem. Just listen to Elon’s speech patterns. And then remember our Government is on a mission to kill any original thought process.
    Trump stroked Elon like no other tonight. Among others. We have one hell of a team and JDHasty is correct. MAGA is now much larger than just DJT.

  8. 15.5 million Trump loyalists, figures. Total nutsacks each & everyone one of the deranged mental midgets. No wonder they all totally relate to a madman. Something in common, total madness, oh my. Then you’ll have to figure in their demon seed. We are so fucked. Night of living
    Mayor Rudolph aka Adolf
    Ghouliani’s unleashed. Lock & load, quick!

  9. “Ghouliani’s unleashed. Lock & load, quick!”

    To funny. You’ll lose that bigly. You need to move to a country that currently has the form of government you desire. I suggest Venezuela. And if you want to gun fight me I can be reached at 876-5309.

  10. Just to be clear, ADDERALL is just 4 different salts of AMPHETAMINE – YES, SPEED. These are not folks with attention deficit disorder…they are just junkies addicted to SPEED.

  11. When I look back on my grade school childhood, I could have easily been diagnosed with ADHD. But such a diagnosis wasn’t a thing back then. So I guess I got off lucky.

  12. We got an mRNA vaxxxine for that!

    *rummages around in drawer, gets Sharpie, crosses something off and writes something else*


    *shows vial with “COVID” crossed out and “ADHD” written in Sharpie*

    Now take this jab and come back for a booster in a week. Bring your kids or we’ll take them from you. And if you dont come back your boss will be told to fire you.

    And sign here for where you want your ADHD vaxxx tattoo. Two choices, hand or forehead. Its just three little numbers, no big deal, but if you dont show it, you cant work or buy food. Now hurry UP, we got billions more to do!

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