Trump takes stage to 20K roaring fans at NYC’s Madison Square Garden for historic rally 9 days before Election Day – IOTW Report

Trump takes stage to 20K roaring fans at NYC’s Madison Square Garden for historic rally 9 days before Election Day

NY Post-

Former President Donald Trump took the stage at Madison Square Garden for a barn-burning homestretch rally before a capacity crowd that erupted with an intensity typically reserved for pro athletes and rock stars.

On Sunday, he stood where Joe Frazier defeated Muhammad Ali in “The Fight of the Century” before an adoring crowd of some 20,000 supporters — thousands of whom braved chilly NYC streets for up to two days to secure a spot in line.

Tens of thousands more watched from outside after they were turned away when the venue filled up, cops said. more

12 Comments on Trump takes stage to 20K roaring fans at NYC’s Madison Square Garden for historic rally 9 days before Election Day

  1. “He also announced a new policy: a tax cut for caregivers who look after family members or loved ones.”

    …oh, HELL yes!!!

    Taking care of my mother-in-law who has to live with us, can barely walk, is a HUGE fa risk, broke her hip once, broke her neck once, and on her second bout with breast cancer with THIS one involving a VERY slow to heal masectomy. My wife gets frazzled with being her nursing home attendant 24/7, being her chauffeur to myriad doctors appointments (she has an oncologist, a primary, an immunologist (shes allergic to EVERYTHING), an endocrinologist (severe diabetes among other things), an orthopod (like many old people her bones are about glass at this point), etc., etc., usw., doing nurse things with no formal training like shoving seaweed into open postsurgical wounds (her moms wound care doctor did instruct), co-ordinating home health care workers, handing her mom’s medical administrative tasks (she’s had MPA over her mom for years now), not to mention jumping up from a deep sleep everytime her mom knocks something over in the bathroom where she once broke her neck (the elderly have bladder issues at night, all night too); and all this while managing her OWN house, her OWN family (including her curmudgeonly husband), and her OWN medical issues INCLUDING breast cancer with masectomy of her OWN, all this and MUCH MORE in a bid to keep her mother out of a soul-crushing nursing home as long as she physically can.

    The medical/government complex puts ALL that on HER.

    A “tax break” for the money she’s saving THEM by working harder than a one-armed paperhanger to mimimize the government Medicare expense otherwise is the LEAST they should do…

  2. …sorry, I know there’s MUCH more pressing reasons to vote for President Trump (not dying in a Communist re-education camp comes to mind), but when I saw THAT, its just NICE to see a billionare who never has to worry about health care even taking the time when people are trying to imprison and/or kill him to discuss the very real problems of those of us who do VERY MUCH have to worry about it…I dont really NEED more reasons to return this President to power, but it SURE is nice that he keeps the hits coming…

    God bless you, President Trump.

    May the Lord continue to protect you and blunt the swords of those who mean you and us ALL harm.

    That we may have a country once more prosperous enough to even WORRY about elderly care…

  3. Different Tim
    Monday, 28 October 2024, 8:51 at 8:51 am
    “That’s a lot of people for Latisha to go after.”

    …Im sure she’s studied her Stalin. Lots she can learn from that dead White guy that would make it no problem, especially since New Yorkers are ALREADY forbidden guns…

    “Amidst a totalitarian Soviet Union, and under the crushing hammer of Joseph Stalin, great numbers of Soviet citizens as well as foreigners were executed outright by the famous “secret police” – most popularly via a bullet to the base of the skull – in numbers that reached 700,000 (all dumped in mass graves) by the time of the Great Purge of 1937-1938, whereby all of Stalin’s political opponents were effectively silenced. This was the ultimate means to put the fear of Stalin into the Soviet people’s hearts – fear which can quite easily be fashioned into a crude, desperate kind of loyalty by those who wish to not meet the fates of their neighbors. The graves which are scattered all about the former U.S.S.R. are turning up all the time, with horrifying body counts – in Bykivnia, 120,000-250,000; Kurapaty, 30,000 to 200,000; Butovo, more than 20,000; and Sandarmokh, more than 9,000 dead.”

  4. The strategy for the MSG rally was brilliant. I laughed at one point about the speaker line-up; it was more like a variety show. Trump and his team seemed to have picked one from each area of American life to create the most interest and entertainment, and the biggest tent politics has ever seen.

    (Having already seen how the Tea Party was usurped by fakers, it made me a little nervous listening to the erroneous history-of-the-Democrat-party factoids recited by Kennedy. He either doesn’t know the Democrat party or he’s been intentionally re-visioning its history.)

  5. The return to Butler, the McDonald’s photo op, going to black barber shops and holding the biggest New York rally ever shows he’s hitting on all cylinders. They estimate the national audience last night was over 30 million. They’ve never faced anyone like him.


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