The Political Castration of Joni Ernst – IOTW Report

The Political Castration of Joni Ernst


Eventually, everything in politics goes full circle. If you wait long enough, it all turns Ecclesiastes 3. Take Joni Ernst, the junior senator from Iowa, for example. She burst onto the national scene, pledging to “cut pork” in a very memorable way.

When your opening line is, “I’m Joni Ernst, I grew up castrating hogs on an Iowa farm,” not only do you have our attention — you’ve got us squirming in our seats. (Ouch.)

Before the castration spot aired, Ernst was struggling to raise money, trailing Republican frontrunner Mark Jacobs by several points for the GOP nomination. Conservative women — including Sarah Palin — found the ad humorous, endorsed her candidacy, and helped Ernst build her war chest. Within months, she was the undisputed frontrunner.

And in 2020, she was elected to her second term in the Senate.

Unfortunately, there’s a disease endemic to D.C. called “turning native.”  more here

11 Comments on The Political Castration of Joni Ernst

  1. She just needs to go away. She’s one tone deaf moron. She needs to be recalled. Elon’s already found her replacement. An Ex Mil MAGA guy.

    P.S. It looks like three of those elections they harvested to death to get the Libtard Dem elected in Orange County may get overturned. When they have to count for 3 weeks after the election you can bet they’re going to get sloppy. And they did.

  2. We have been betrayed by these rino hacks for decades now. Yet we keep voting them in. It’s time to go to permanent primary-war footing and get shit like this rino out.

  3. “Political Castration”? This implies that Joni Ernst has balls. She does not have balls. But allow me to further expound. Every member of Congress (House and Senate) male and female has political balls. Political balls is the ability to lie, cheat, steal, and fuck the taxpayer at every turn in life.

  4. Ernst should go back to the farm.
    Her 15 minutes of fame as a conservative faded quickly as her voting record devolved.
    At least on the farm, when cutting hogs, she could at least display some balls. Unlike her Stint as an establishment RINO and voting against her own constituency.
    Time to Primary Ernst and send her back to the Farm.

    First the Senate GOP must have new leadership and strip any GOP leadership, or influence in distributing Senate Campaign funds by McCONnell and Thune.
    Elevate a Conservative as Leader of the Senate.
    No More RINO appeasers, back biters and back stabbers.


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