MUSSI: Ranked-Choice Voting Went Down In Flames This Election – IOTW Report

MUSSI: Ranked-Choice Voting Went Down In Flames This Election

Nobody wants it. Now, it is time for California to keep its destructive policies and systems on their side of the state line.

5 Comments on MUSSI: Ranked-Choice Voting Went Down In Flames This Election

  1. “Now, it is time for California to keep its destructive policies and systems on their side of the state line.”

    Gee thanks. How about we get Trumps voter reform in place so we can kick the handful of bastards out that are cheating their asses off. And let me explain to you why. California is dead fing broke. In fact we are way in debt. Do you know who’s currently paying for all of California’s unemployment benefits? Well if you don’t live in California you are. What ever 22 year old who wrote this article has a few things to learn.

  2. LCD
    “and CA harvests more Dem Representatives than last time…”

    When any state delays the outcome of a particular race they’re harvesting. It’s a bad joke and to my knowledge never been through a constitutional challenge. It’s certainly not fair or equitable. And disenfranchises everyone in the country. Not just that state.

  3. What’s going on with Alaska’s attempt to throw out rank choice voting? It look like they voted to get rid of it by too narrow a margin to overcome the democrat cheat to keep it.


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