Donald Trump Uses Viral Photo of Jill Biden to Promote Fragrance Line 🤣 – IOTW Report

Donald Trump Uses Viral Photo of Jill Biden to Promote Fragrance Line 🤣

Breitbart: President-elect Donald Trump is using a viral photo of first lady Jill Biden looking at him to his advantage, promoting cologne and perfume and concluding that it is a scent your enemies “can’t resist.”

Trump and Jill Biden ran into each other in Paris over the weekend for the reopening of the Notre Dame Cathedral, which saw Trump shaking the hands of many foreign leaders, assuming his soon-to-be role as commander-in-chief yet again. But one of the pictures that has gone viral from the visit features none other than Trump and Jill Biden. They both appear to have a friendly interaction. But one photo stood out, showing Jill Biden looking at Trump with a face of delight.

Jokes abounded, as many social media users went on to say, “I just want to find someone that looks at me the way Jill Biden looks at Trump.” more here

It’s REAL! lol

12 Comments on Donald Trump Uses Viral Photo of Jill Biden to Promote Fragrance Line 🤣

  1. Only Trump. He is a true ladies’ man, not a serial rapist like Willie or a creepy girl sniffer like Brandon. He knows how to charm a woman.

    And he is also a marketing genius. All the Lefties bitching about how he won and how could it have happened refuse to see these 2 points.

    Gonna be a long 4 years (minimum) for the Left.

  2. The company traces to Wyoming, the disclaimer on the site says they are not affiliated with DJT at all, but it’s a great troll for the Prez and makes the lefty media heads explode, so I’m all for it. 👍


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