Better if they all fell over the railing to their deaths. Then Mike Johnson is president for a month. 11
LOL! He didn’t even give her time to take off her earrings and shoes – just like a genuine Waffle House beat down. 1
From the headline: ” but he was thinking it.”. That would require him to be thinking. Not sure he’s capable of that anymore. 1
LOL, at the very least someone should have yelled, Please Jump.
Good one!
Better if they all fell over the railing to their deaths. Then Mike Johnson is president for a month.
Too Funny!
I went to the Kennedy Center for a concert and a Hockey Game broke out.
Thank you MJA. I needed that laugh!
LOL! He didn’t even give her time to take off her earrings and shoes – just like a genuine Waffle House beat down.
From the headline: ” but he was thinking it.”. That would require him to be thinking. Not sure he’s capable of that anymore.