“There is so much wrong with this, it’s hard to know where to begin” – IOTW Report

“There is so much wrong with this, it’s hard to know where to begin”

Pope Puts Baby Jesus in Islamic War Scarf (Keffiyeh) at the Vatican

36 Comments on “There is so much wrong with this, it’s hard to know where to begin”

  1. @ Tony R TUESDAY, 10 DECEMBER 2024, 10:09 AT 10:09 AM

    To ever refer to this pathetic degenerate as Pope validates his legitimacy. Don’t do it. It’s not good for your immortal soul.

  2. Jorge “El Papa” Bergoglio is an Argentine communist terrorist, the same category as Ernest “Che” Guevara. The only difference is that Che G. got his own hands bloody while Jorge B. directs and supports countless proxy murderers while he sits fat and happy in pristine white robes.

    May the two reminisce together soon in the eternal lake of fire.

  3. The ‘Ecumenical’ Patriarch of the Orthodox Church (in Istanbul) who deigns himself a ‘primate’ equivalent to a Pope IS NO BETTER.

    These two heretics are scheming to bandage over the Great Schism this year on Easter, which occurs simultaneously on both calendars.

    IMO and the opinion of many others, they are both tools or hostages to the satanic Globalists.

  4. At the right hand of Satan, Bergoglio destroying the Faith of Christians. For those blindly supporting this heretic, remove the scales on your eyes as you may end up in Hell with this destructive Pope.
    Stop funding this want-to-be Anti-Christ and the Church he leads.

  5. @ Merry Poppet TUESDAY, 10 DECEMBER 2024, 10:37 AT 10:37 AM

    On day one I referred to Bergoglio as a wicked and evil degenerate who deserves absolutely no respect whatsoever. But the again, I had been paying attention. Bergoglio is a rotten nasty progressive/Marxist/Satanist.

    Joseph Ratzinger
    Called liberation theology a “singular heresy” and a “fundamental threat” to the church. He warned against viewing Christianity in a political light and prohibited some of its leading proponents from speaking publicly.
    John Paul II
    Denounced liberation theology, saying “When they begin to use political means, they cease to be theologians”.

  6. While I didn’t stay at a Holiday Inn last night and am not “making a real GOOD MONEY”, I did decide being a practicing Catlicker was not in the cards for me over sixty plus ears ago.

    Spending time in a seminary will do that to you…

  7. Ed357
    Tuesday, 10 December 2024, 11:30 at 11:30 am
    “I’ve set a personal goal…..
    to read Genesis and Revelation…..
    Any advice…..?????”

    Everything in the middle is good too.

  8. Ed357
    Tuesday, 10 December 2024, 13:34 at 1:34 pm

    Skipping from Genesis to Revelation does bookend the Word, but misses something important, which is a full understanding of the miracle that is the Incarnation of the Word made flesh, the Lord Jesus Christ.

    It’s all SO good and all His Word so I don’t recommend skipping as you will miss important details like Samuel advising Israel against taking an earthly king, Daniel showing the Babylonians he can’t be swayed from the Lord, Timothy getting instructions from Paul, and just the prophecies of the Old Testament coming to pass in the New, but at least stop to read Isaiah as that is almost the WHOLE BIBLE condensed into one prophetic chapter, Matthew for hard detail on Christ’s Incarnation on Earth, Luke for beautiful language on the same times and more as Matthew chronicals, and Acts to see how the apostles received the Holy Spirit so they could contine to serve God no matter what tyrants did to them and take it as an example to ALL mankind here and now, before going on to the Lord’s ulimate defeat of evil in Revelation.

    All the Bible is good, and you will be blessed by reading ANY of it, but you will be seven times blessed by reading seven times more!

    Enjoy your journey with the Lord the the sweetest of endings for all who follow Him and bless you for starting in whatever way the Spirit moves you!


  9. The Catholic church is in trouble. This guy has filled the line of succession with guys just like him, or worse. When he’s gone it’s going to take a miracle to turn things around.

  10. @ Wylie1 TUESDAY, 10 DECEMBER 2024, 14:41 AT 2:41 PM

    That was what the progressive;Marxist/Satanists had in mind from the get go. ICYMI, Bible sales have been hitting record levels recently. There is hope.

  11. No surprise. The Catholic religion has been co-opting pagan/barbaric/heathen practices and traditions from the start. Easter and Holloween are examples.
    This Marxist reprobate pope is just carrying on a Catholic doctrine by wrapping a nativity Christ child figure in a jihadi kaffiyeh.

    Absolutely, not how to evangelize the Islamic Jihad – accepting their symbol of terrorism. The Gospel of Jesus Christ should be the only focus of actual Christianity, especially at Christmas and not compromised with cultural or political objects of evil which is blasphemy.

  12. Wylie1
    Tuesday, 10 December 2024, 14:41 at 2:41 pm
    “When he’s gone it’s going to take a miracle to turn things around.”

    Good News!

    My Boss wants you to know He still performs those!

  13. Ed357

    1st question: Why did you pick Gen/Rev to START reading the Bible?

    I think that answer might help get better advice. Most just commit to reading from Gen 1:1 to the end and make it a daily habit. Then they repeat. Get to 100 times and you’ll have what you could never get by sniping parts of it – as far as learning and absorbing go.

    2nd question: Did you know that Rev. is part recap of the Bible and part prophecy? You might not be able to make much sense of it until you read everything before it.

    I think you should get a study Bible that helps you understand what you are reading at the time. Revelation, in particular, can be very disjointed if you don’t have some guidance along the way.

    I say this advice because you will find that many devout readers/students often get 3,4 or 5 deeper understandings out of the same passages they read long ago. Because they now have a deeper understanding of what God is telling us.

    This is why I love expository preachers. They explain things in context of what things meant during that time. The ones that know the original Greek words can tell you the subtle differences between the plain text and what it meant back then – and why. English does not do justice to the Greek words that had these specific nuances that are lost by using an English word that kind of fits. Speaking of the New testament.

    Practical advice: Carve out a time of the day you will always be able to read. 5 A.M., lunch time, an hour at night? Just commit to a certain amount of time and do it. 1/2 hour, whole hour, whatever fits you. And if you finish a page and find yourself asking “What did I just read? My mind wandered a bit while reading it” Re-read that page. Nothing to be in a hurry about and Satan will do what he can to distract you.

    A part of Genesis will be like that. Well, it is for me – all the who begat whom stuff. It’s important because it traces the lineage all the way to Jesus and the old testament says He would be born of that lineage – and He was.

    But that part puts me to sleep. Therefore, right before bedtime is not a good study time for me. Mornings with a peaceful house, some hot coffee and before people start calling and asking for my attention – that works for me.

  14. 99th Squad Leader

    Good post. Jesus’ last advice was to not be deceived in the end times.

    That is exactly what you are fighting. Trying to help others not be deceived by this false teacher.

    Showing the way with your light. So thankful for you.

  15. Dadof4, the advice to read from Genesis to Revelation in your own time frame is the best advice. I’ve done that at least 10 or 11 times (lost count) using different versions of the Bible. Some are better than others, but the main point to remember is to ask God to help you understand what you are reading just before every time you read.

    I can’t tell you how many times I stopped reading for a moment to wonder why I hadn’t ever read that passage before! The thing is … I have. It just took on a new meaning to me as the Holy Spirit opened my eyes to what it meant! Praise God!

  16. Dadof4, thank you so much! You’re right. I don’t want people deceived by Satan, the enemy of our souls and father of lies.

    As you can see, I have a passion for Evangelism. The truth of the Gospel is sometimes tough to accept, but it’s for our good. God loves and wants the best for us.

    Despite the world’s many significant errors celebrating Christ, He allows it based on His grace and Christ shedding His blood on the cross to prove He came to save the world – John 3:16. The repobate pope purposely defying God’s Word is sinful – Deuteronomy 12:29-32.

    Christians are to celebrate Christ everyday through prayer, thankfulness, Praise and Worship. A few days every year is not enough to thank Him for all He has done for us. Hallelujah!

    BTW, thanks for your practical, common sense advise on reading the Bible. It will help many have a great way to get started seeking God. The Holy Spirit does the rest to help our understanding.

  17. ^^^^Dadof4, Gabriel, et al

    I was reading another blog…..
    and it was suggested Genesis and Revelation…..

    I’m reading 2 verses a day…..
    usually in the morning with my coffee…..

    I’m reading each verse in NIV (online), Torah (online), and…..the Scofield Study System…..

    I haven’t read the Bible in a long time…..
    and I really enjoy and understand it more…..
    than when I was a kid…..

    I’m leaning to stay the course…..
    Genesis then Revelation…..
    then the Old Testament followed…..
    by the New Testament.

    Thanks for the advice.


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