Liz Cheney, Accused of Destroying 117 January 6 Files, Says She Should Not Go to Jail – IOTW Report

Liz Cheney, Accused of Destroying 117 January 6 Files, Says She Should Not Go to Jail


Liz Cheney, a former member of the partisan January 6 Committee, said Monday that she should not go to jail for allegedly destroying 117 of the panel’s files.

President-elect Donald Trump accused members of the partisan panel on Sunday of destroying committee evidence that he said exonerated him from allegations of wrongdoing.

The accusation came after Rep. Barry Loudermilk (R-GA), who led the House Administration Committee’s oversight investigation, said in January his computer forensic investigators discovered that 117 files went missing, presumably deleted or encrypted by the panel’s members.

24 Comments on Liz Cheney, Accused of Destroying 117 January 6 Files, Says She Should Not Go to Jail

  1. Pam’s course is clear: Do an investigation, find out if files were destroyed, determine if this is a crime, identify who destroyed the files, and prosecute those who did it, easy peasy.

    Bennie Thompson should also be looked at hard.

  2. Trump should wait till Jan 21. The way I see it, she hasn’t been found guilty on anything yet so what can Joe pardon her from??? Unless she confesses to destroying evidence, what evidence? Even then she wasn’t found guilty…yet. SCOTUS needs to get this pardon BS cleared up as to when and why and how it works. I don’t see anyway Joe can issue pardons if no charges and convictions have been processed. This will be a real mess when down the road in the future another SOB President is a member of a cartel and has thousands of criminals that will need pardons.

  3. Deleting exculpatory evidence in order to create a false narrative to railroad innocent people to prison. Only a crime for the little people.

    The Cheneys are a all cunts. Daddy included.

  4. If she’s not prosecuted, she or her ilk will do it again. If she’s pardoned, she needs to be dragged into hearings (she’ll have lost her 5th Amendment rights and will have to spill her guts or else).

  5. “She Should Not Go to Jail”
    And so say all the J6’ers currently in jail.
    Yet there they are. Why aren’t you?
    What makes YOU so special and exempt? And being a DildoCrat ex-Kongress Kritter doesn’t count.

  6. There should be consequences for her actions.
    Without enforcement, laws mean nothing.
    Without consequences for your actions, the the law also means nothing.
    As wise man once said: The worst thing you can do is let it slide and do nothing.

  7. The MSM is already getting ahead of this and other cases. When the Trump DOJ goes after her, and all the government criminals, they will (and already are) call(ing) it “retaliation”, and (gasp) weaponizing the courts! Lawfare! The end of Democracy!!!


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