‘Shark Tank’ star Kevin O’Leary says half of Canadians favor Trump’s proposal for Canada to join the US  – IOTW Report

‘Shark Tank’ star Kevin O’Leary says half of Canadians favor Trump’s proposal for Canada to join the US 

NYP: Canadian investor and “Shark Tank” star Kevin O’Leary said Thursday that he wants to help broker a deal with President-elect Donald Trump that would create some sort of “economic union” between the US and Canada – declaring that at least half of his countrymen would support such a merger. 

O’Leary’s interest in unifying the US and Canada comes after Trump, 78, has repeatedly suggested in recent weeks that Canada should become “our 51st State.” 

“Canadians over the holidays – the last two days –  have been talking about this,” O’Leary said of Trump’s proposal, during an interview with Fox Business. “They want to hear more.”  more

10 Comments on ‘Shark Tank’ star Kevin O’Leary says half of Canadians favor Trump’s proposal for Canada to join the US 

  1. Fsck NO.

    I might listen if someone comes up with a jerrymandering setup so that the addition to the U.S. is several new states that will tend to vote deep red, and one and only one in which all the lib-progs are dumped, probably more or less centered on Quebec. And then we cut that one loose to sink or swim on its own.

    It would make more sense to turn Canada into a modern banana oil-and-lumber republic under U.S. economic control. </sarcasm>

  2. It makes more sense than giving statehood to Puerto Rico or D.Dc., as Canada has natural resources—lots and lots of natural resources.

    How about we take everything except the Quebec Province? We can give that back to the French.

  3. You would have to be completely out of your everloving goddamned mind to take Vancouver. As far as shitholes go, on the North American continent, Vancouver is the mother of all shitholes that even Portland and Seattle can’t hold a candle to. If you had to take Vancouver just to get the rest of Canada, even if there were no Calgary, Ottawa, Toronto and the rest of the fucking shithole Canadian cities to be concerned with it would still be a deal breaker. Vancouver is a shithole’s shithole. An absolute disgrace to humanity and so much so that even considering hitching that wagon load of shit to your horse is insane.

  4. Trudeau will be gone soon, and perhaps a “conservative” will be our leader (I am an expat living here, but still American to the core and cannot vote here).
    The trouble I see, having this insider perspective, is that even the conservatives are really very liberal. The people here love their “free” health care system, though it is crumbling faster and faster with the new immigrant population explosion. They are proud of it in a way that I find confounding. I try to point out that your dog can get a diagnosis and care in a day or two but you wait weeks, months, sometimes years for proper care. They just don’t get that a bit of competition is better than government care.

    It’s been pointed out elsewhere that inviting Canada into the U.S. would just be inviting more Democrats in. No Thank You!

  5. Get rid of ALL the liberals in the country who keep electing clowns like Castreau, and maybe. Otherwise, who needs another welfare state addition to all of our other problems. Maybe consider Alberta since they seem pretty free market and have lots of energy reserves, but to hell with the rest of the country.

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