Mike Lee calls on Trump to bring back incandescent bulbs banned by Biden – IOTW Report

Mike Lee calls on Trump to bring back incandescent bulbs banned by Biden

PM: Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) has called for the incoming Trump administration to bring back incandescent light bulbs after they have been banned by President Joe Biden. Lee has recently made posts calling for their return as well as deregulation of various household appliances.

The Utah senator told The Post Millennial, “Americans should be able to buy and use the lightbulbs they want, and certainly shouldn’t be limited to a range of choices chosen by unelected, federal bureaucrats.” This comes after Lee posted on Friday, “Who else wants to bring back real light bulbs in 2025?” more here

25 Comments on Mike Lee calls on Trump to bring back incandescent bulbs banned by Biden

  1. Yes, I don’t think bureaucrats, elected or not, should be making tjese decisions. Based on their track records, I’ve taken to running not walking, in the opposite direction of their proclamations. While the engineer side of me likes the gizmos, the LEDs are still very expensive and do not live up to their billing as long lasting, and any given product goes out of production so when a replacement is needed a whole set needs to be replaced, at a cost of two orders of magnitude more than a simple incandescent bulb. A shining example of Central Planning comrade.

  2. I don’t have a problem with LED lighting anymore. You can get them in any Kelvin you want, so coloration is no longer the issue it used to be. That said, I don’t think the government needs to be controlling what I can buy. Leave us alone! It should all come down to let the consumer buy what they want. If I want LEDs, fine. If I want incandescents, fine. In a free, Capitalistic marketplace the better product wins out every time, which is exactly what made this nation great in the first place!

  3. I had to buy LED ceiling lights for my basement because I finally ran out of the old incandescent bulbs I had hoarded 15 years ago. These new LED lights flicker because of the dimmer even though the box said “dimmable”. I just found out I have to buy a new dimmer to be compatible with the LEDs. Grrrrrr…

  4. yes Whitey, filthy odinga was the start of this scam. His “these bulbs will last 13 years” scam bulbs cost 5 times as much and last a couple of months. Every thing Greg LooseAnus pitched was a scam. POS

  5. You use light bulbs most in the winter when it is not only dark a lot, but cold, too. Incandescent bulbs add heat, taking a load off your heating system. Can’t have that!

  6. The LED’s in these lamps can last up to 20,000 hours but the cheap Chinese electronics craps out at a couple hundred hours. More than once have I had smoke billowing out the base, the bulb flickering on and off and the bulb just dimming out. Miss the days you could buy a bulb for a quarter

  7. I actually prefer LED bulbs for most applications, as I have now had several that are still burning after eight years. But to “outlaw” incandescent bulbs as a sacrifice to the Great Green Climate God is simply another example of government gone wild.

  8. I’ve yet to have a single LED bulb last more than a few months, and the damn things are supposed to last years. It’s a scam, and I’m sure that someone somewhere is getting rich off of it.

  9. When we moved into our house just over 10 years ago, I put about a dozen LED bulbs in all the hard-to-reach places. They’re all still working just fine.

    @Jethro — Yeah, that’s an annoyance: finding out that not only do you need dimmable LEDs but also LED-able dimmers! “Got you again, round-eye!”

  10. I already have a lifetime supply of incandescents, but ok, whatever.
    Re LED lifespans, I put Sylvania, 5 year LED bulbs in our kitchen can lights because regular bulbs would eventually trip the thermal lockout. Worked great. When the time came to replace at 5+ years, those bulbs were no longer on the market. Nothing else lasted past a couple of years.

  11. Pre-Ban; I bought enough incandescent light bulbs (various wattage & sizes) to last me the rest of my life – and then some. Sure I use LED’s where they are better. But I have a choice, which is the entire point.

  12. My memory is Republican Congress wrote the bill and BUSH signed it into law. See, Republicans suck too. I also remember buying buttload of bulbs and stashing them away but alas, you can only hoard so many.

  13. Nice idea, to un-outlaw incandescent bulbs.
    But rather low on the priority list at present.


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