Ahead of Trump taking office, it looks as if the Department of Health and Human Services might be in a little bit of a burn-the-records-and-clean-house-before-the-SHTF mode, if for no other purpose than to give the appearance, at the eleventh hour, that it takes its fiduciary responsibilities seriously — which, of course, it doesn’t, and hasn’t for a very long time, including the last four years under the Biden regime. more
Laundry mats closing as fast as they can!!!
As if that rush doesn’t scream, “grifting rot”.
Death penalty.
I would be happier if everyone involved in this scam was “volunteered” to be used in the next phase of biological experiments.
Closing those barn doors after the horse has already bolted, I see.
if laws were broken act accordingly
Everything that the government has done in the last 4 years has been a money laundering scheme. That includes the war in the ukaine.