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🇺🇸 Mike Davis 🇺🇸 @mrddmia. Now that they’ve got their pardons, they cannot claim the Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination to avoid testifying before grand juries, courts, or Congress.

about 1 month ago
Sen. Adam Schiff tells @GStephanopoulos that Pres. Biden shouldn’t issue preemptive pardons. “The precedent of giving blanket pardons, preemptive blanket pardons on the way out of an administration, I think, is a precedent we don’t want to set.”
Trials? Lawyers? Sheeeeeeit!
Throw Fauci over the fence of a junkyard and let pitbulls tear the flesh of his bones. He is a soulless ghoul who toyed with the lives of others. Pigs should be digesting his flesh.
Biden just made it worse for them. I don’t care what he said about “not being about guilt.” The fake pardon already implies they were guilty. And he wasn’t specific about what.
There are lots of people (not the feds) who want to legally talk to fauci about the COVID and AIDS fiascos.
The total collapse and destruction of the democrat party is at hand. They have spit in our face to the point where revenge is approaching a desire.
The rats have been identified within the body politic and they need to be, if not prosecuted, then held to the light of day to show what they have done.
In essence they need to be held up as traitors, scoundrels, and pariahs. The phrase “don’t Liz Chaney me” should become an epigraph of great danger!
Over the junkyard fence and “Chopper sic balls.”
Treason is un-pardonable, so is the laws of the Hague being broken. I don’t believe a coup against a sitting president is pardonable , that includes vinamen and his brother.
Hopefully, some enterprising entity will “take care” of this load of traitors. Ya know, in the Al Pacino way, not the Julie Andrews way…
Adam Schiff;
Your attempt to object to Biden’s blanket pardons is too late, he’s walking out the door.
Another case of don’t do what we’ve done.
Was his objection referencing the J6 Political prisoners ???
Why didn’t schiff object when Hunter was pardoned?
Biden’s administration’s pardons (Biden didn’t do any of them as he is totally incapable and doesn’t even know what is going on) do not apply to any nation other than the USA.
Fauci and Gates can to be brought up with charges of crimes against humanity at Nuremberg 2.0.
If you have to pardon your family members and your political supporters, you might be a loser, big time.
We can still get Wray, Strok and Comey.
It makes me wonder what all of them had on the Biden crime family.
Murder is a State crime.
Fauci has murdered many in every state for the last 50 years.
So Mickey Mauci CAN be hung in PA – since that’s where he gave me Chinavirus
People can complain about Biden all they want, but anyone who supported or cast a legitimate ballot expected exactly this kind of shit from him. It is they who are just as responsible
According to Burdick vs United States of America, the Supreme court, in 1915 determined that to accept a pardon was to admit guilt, and while the recipient has the option to refuse the pardon, if they do, they will not enjoy the protections thereof.
How many of the scumbags will refuse?
Asking for a friend.
According to Burdick vs United States of America, the Supreme court, in 1915 determined that to accept a pardon was to admit guilt, and while the recipient has the option to refuse the pardon, if they do, they will not enjoy the protections thereof.
How many of the scumbags will refuse?
Asking for a friend.