German ‘Conservative’ Leader Rules Out Coalition with Populist AfD, Preferring Partnership with Leftists Instead – IOTW Report

German ‘Conservative’ Leader Rules Out Coalition with Populist AfD, Preferring Partnership with Leftists Instead

Breitbart Europe

The likely next Chancellor of Germany has categorically ruled out a coalition between his supposedly centre-right conservative party and the populist Alternative for Germany (AfD), opting instead to partner with a leftist party.

Appearing at the World Economic Forum’s annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland on this week, Christian Democratic Union (CDU) leader Friedrich Merz said that he will “never” allow “right-wing populists into a government, which is led by me.”

“I will try to get my partners in this coalition convinced that we have to immediately resolve the problems which made them as strong as they (the AfD) are today,” Merz said.

The head of the formerly Merkel-led party argued that centrist parties in Germany need to “resolve the problems which are seen by the people this is migration, this is anxiousness all day in terms of Labor Market… [and] criminality.” read more

12 Comments on German ‘Conservative’ Leader Rules Out Coalition with Populist AfD, Preferring Partnership with Leftists Instead

  1. “I will try to get my partners in this coalition convinced that we have to immediately resolve the problems which made them as strong as they (the AfD) are today,”

    Well you’d have to make AfD the ruling party, then.

  2. Things are no longer as absolute as this article implies. Up until now, all of the German parties maintained a “cordon sanitaire” that blocked any and all connections with the AfD. That now has a small hole in it (whether it grows or not remains to be seen).

    Just two days ago, after a CDU leadership meeting, a memo went out to all CDU Bundestag reps. It said in part:

    Friedrich Merz will submit some very clear proposals on migration and refugee policy to the CDU/CSU parliamentary group in the Bundestag. Should these proposals come to a vote (procedurally, it is somewhat complicated to have these proposals voted on immediately), we will go into that vote without regard to who is supporting these proposals. This applies even if only the AfD supports our proposals.

    Merz and the CDU still insist they will never enter into a coalition that includes the AfD, but saying that they’ll take a vote that includes the AfD is quite possibly a big fscking deal.

  3. If I were a politician in Germ. today, I’d be salivating at the chance to blame Shitpants for blowing up the Nordstream Pipeline and with it, all viable commerce in my country.

    How many citizens know this and would support a politician who acknowleges it.

  4. “conservative”

    …they really do need those double quotes. There’s nothing conservative about destroying your own society’s energy grid and flooding it with third world scum and excusing it all because some bad people ran the country 80 years ago.


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