Chicago neighborhood turned ‘ghost town’ amid deportations – IOTW Report

Chicago neighborhood turned ‘ghost town’ amid deportations

From coast to coast, ICE agents are intensifying efforts, going city to city — and sometimes door to door — to track down nearly 1.5 million undocumented immigrants slated for deportation. In Chicago, one once-vibrant neighborhood has turned into a ghost town as fear spreads and residents flee.

14 Comments on Chicago neighborhood turned ‘ghost town’ amid deportations

  1. Could it because many in these so called vibrant communities are here illegally and have been here long before Trump? They all need to go. An example: this past weekend in Orlando an illegal immigrant was drunk and drove his truck into a 6 year old killing the 6 year old. Per Florida criminal records this was his 3rd DUI offense and he was currently on probation for his 2nd DUI offense. When arrested he used his Mexico ID. He has been here since 2006, there are millions like him in the US who need to be deported back to their countries. They are breaking the law. And to compound the matter the 6 year old killed was here illegally also. His family has a gofundme account set up so the child can be buried in Guatemala.

  2. Just think of the $$$$ ShitCongo and Ill-noise will save on not having to support all those illegals.
    Businesses might even have to start hiring CITIZENS and pay them a fair wage instead of underpaying illegals under the table.
    OMG! What a concept!

  3. JustPassingThru
    Illegals killing illegals in America.
    What a concept!
    Deport them all and let them kill each other in their own countries.

  4. “In Chicago, one once-vibrant neighborhood has turned into a ghost town as fear spreads and residents flee.”

    Over and over again, they keep saying this as if it’s a bad thing.

  5. Remember this my friends. When they play the breaking up families pity pieces just respond with: The family that deports together, stays together.

    That is all you need, or should, respond with. They are going to be as common as ads for prescription drugs this week.


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