Colombian President Caves to President Trump in Under Two Hours, Will Send HIS Plane to Pick Up Illegals.
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Colombian President Caves to President Trump in Under Two Hours, Will Send HIS Plane to Pick Up Illegals.
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THAT was easy!
This is exactly why Trump has been my President for 9 years.
Columbia knew Trump had the Piano Wire tied tight around their nuts and it would take one quick pull to remove them.
I don’t think it mattered. These illegal aliens did not come by plane, they came by way of the southern border. mexico facilitated an invasion of the United States, I considered that an act of war, not the doings of a treaty aligned trading partner. We need to send them to the southern border and let the mexicans escort them south. There is no reason waste any more money on lawbreakers than we have to. If mexica does not cooperate, maybe changes need to be about what mexico can ship in through the border.
Why send his plane?? Where is his plane going to land to dump the trash?? How many more trips will “his” plane have to make every few days??
See the little Petro with the earring and the makeup?
Yeah buddy, that’s his own hair
That little faggot got his own jet airplane
That little faggot, he’s a millionaire
We got to move these Illegal Aliens
We got to move these fukin jerkwads
Joe ain’t workin’, Trump’s the way you do it
They’ll fly cocaine in while they are at it, otherwise there will be delay after delay for some reason or another for why Colombia’s plane can’t take off just now. Watch, Gustava will try all kinds of tricks to save face.
Make every country that has illegals here send their planes to pick them up.
@Gray Feather
Why send his plane?? His plane loads his criminals and flies back to Colombia where the security and flight crew de-plane. The criminal passengers exited over the Gulf.
Pinochet style if they won’t comply.
And then President Trump tweets this:
The world is coming to realize that there’s a new sheriff in town.
Trump is the alpha of the world, period.
LOL! at that worthless commie beaner fucktard president of Cokelumbia.
Harry, Knopfler’s my favorite guitarist. Thank you!!