Daily Caller: Just days after President Donald Trump signed an executive order to withdraw the United States from the World Health Organization due to concerns about China’s outsize role, a top leader at the global organization has begun fundraising on social media.
Maria Van Kerkhove, the infectious disease epidemiologist who served as the WHO’s technical lead on the COVID-19 pandemic, posted on X on Thursday morning asking for donations to the WHO Foundation. more here
I’d donate to to a WHO GiveSendGo campaign but only
if they promise that the GO part will be permanent.
Third world assholes that have no business determining our future health. Most of the leaders in that org come from countries that barely have running water.
The U.N has to be next.
Step one: WHO starts a GoFundMe to raise money to continue their corruption. When that doesn’t work…
Step two: WHO starts an OnlyFans…
Speaking of China, tech stocks cratered today over concerns about a new AI model out of China which is far more sophisticated and advanced than anything we produce here. Some are calling it AI’s Sputnik moment. This is serious stuff. We cannot afford to not compete and at least stay abreast of those guys.
Why should the USA be obligated to give one red cent to a Marxist organization like the WHO?!?!?!?
PBS and NPR now have a shoulder to cry on.
Horton hears a WHO and sez FU!
Eat death, assholes.
Carry your begging bowl back to your own mud huts, youll get nothing but a sharp backhand from the people here you tried to kill.
This is exactly how the world should work. Charity should be voluntary instead of compulsory.
I don’t want to support the UN. But the US government puts a gun to my head and makes me.
I don’t want to support Baltimore, (I live in Virginia). But the US government puts a gun to my head and makes me.
I don’t want to support high speed rail in California. But the US government puts a gun to my head and makes me.
I don’t want to support abortion. But the US government puts as gun to my head and makes me.
Why should I be forced to support somebody else’s favourite charity? If it’s such a good idea, people would willingly flock to support the effort. But instead, the coercive power of government is deployed to make us contribute to somebody else’s favourite charity. That is not a power enumerated in the Constitution. That is a power prohibited to the Federal government. Even James Madison, (the father of said Constitution) said as much.
The UN, and everyone else who has used government to rob people should have to go, begging bowl in hand, and plead their case. If people are willing to support them, then fine. But if they need to hire governments to rob people for their support, then they should go to hell.
Nothing more than a contrived organization to garner power. The US has been sponsoring agencies that are detrimental to it for far too long. If an organization serves a legitimate purpose they should be able to finance themselves. People would be shocked at the amount of money squandered on such entities. Cut off the flow of taxpayer money. Politicians find it quite easy to spend other people’s money to benefit themselves.
I have some serious doubts about all this. Starting with, exactly what are they calling AI. I’m no expert, but I don’t think I’ve seen anything they’re calling AI that can progress on it’s own with out human in put. I don’t think you could legit call any of it autonomous.
Deepseek just looks like another search engine programmed to give people that use it pre programmed answers that the CCP wants you to believe.
Yeah, I don’t know how it works or even if it’s the real deal. But I do try to stay abreast of the goings on in Silicon Valley and a lot of people, people who know about AI, at least from an application standpoint are deeply concerned.
On the good side, any of those billionaire assholes lost a shit ton of money today.
I also read today that Pelosi dumped all her Nvidia stock last week, a stock that lost 18% today. She sure is one savvy investor.
Harry, Horton said a naughty word “oh fudge.” I wonder if you can wash his trunk out with Lifebuoy soap.
These poor bastards—
It’s been a long time since they had to face reality.
The very fact Pelosi dumper he stock would almost make me believe something nefarious is up.
As an old guy the problem I have with the Silicon Valley economy is it’s no longer built on anything tangible. Shit for years they prospered writing apps for 12 year old little girls.
The thing with A.I that gets me is the theory has been around for a long time. We were lead to believe that AI isn’t much different than what we saw in the terminator movies. A self learning, self educating, autonomous chunk of software that controlled it’s own destiny. And ours. With no human input.
In order for Ai to be truly self aware it would need to be closed loop. Be able to inspect it’s own results and make corrections and learn. I’ve seen pick a place mechanisms from 15 years age that were self correcting from employing optical sensors that were truer to AI. I believe that to be missing in all this stuff they’re putting an AI tag on. All these “programs” still depend on human interaction. And true AI would not. Which scares the hell out of me.
Somebody educate me.
The WHO has discovered what we conservatives always knew: when you’re a Lefty organization, you find out real quick just how many people who say they are sympathetic to your cause bail when the donation envelopes arrive. Try giving away a free T-Shirt, tote bag, or bumper sticker so at least they can virtue signal for their five bucks!
Until then, start cutting the six figure+ salaries for the hundreds of “executives” on your payroll.
I just know what I read. Sam Altman (ChatGPT creator) said today it was a gamer changer. The claim is that it learns faster and requires way fewer chips. Elon is skeptical, which is a good sign.
The good news is that we have a guy in the WH who is pushing a pro-active approach to AI advancement. You know he does not like to lose, especially to China.
The WHO comes up with ICD-10 codes–International Classification of Diseases, 10th revision. They have alpha-numeric codes for all sorts of transgender crap, but also everything else that insurance companies want doctors to have to submit claims. I wonder if those codes would still be used if we were not in the WHO, I would guess yes?
@Brad – Twenty plus years back, there was a branch of computation science with a small but dedicated group of people working in it. It was referred to as “heuristic programming” and in a nutshell the idea was to make algorithms that checked the accuracy or completeness or whatever of their results, try to determine what led to improvements, and automatically incorporate that knowledge in reprogramming themselves to do better.
This sounds like the innermost kernel of what you and I are calling AI.
What’s interesting is that I haven’t read much of anything to come out of those people and their efforts, and at the same time the term “heuristic programming” has somehow become redefined and now means something quite different. In a nutshell: thrash around looking for a good-enough quick-and-dirty answer rather than dig for a completely correct or even better one.
This makes me think that the original heuristic effort was absorbed by probably DARPA and made I’ll-have-to-kill-you TOP SECRET CODEWORD EYES ONLY SCIF MANDATORY or whatever the max classification is these days. Make of this what you will.
Uncle Al
What’s driving my skepticism here is we use a CAM system that’s very popular, very good, and very expensive. I have a bit of a rep in my little world for doing some pretty cool stuff with their software. The know me. So they just announced that they were releasing a spanking new version that incorporated AI. A seat of their software use to run about 50K. The new version is right at a 100K a seat. They stopped by last week for me to get a look at. I asked the question how does this software make self improvements. I got the deer in the headlights look. So then i asked does this software monitor tool life, part repeatability, run cycle time, surface finish, etc and make adjustments on its own? Same look.
I think all this AI craps a big freaking scam. Obviously you now the biz. I dunno.
Televised pay-per-view executions of all WHO leadership could likely raise a ton of money AND restore some credibility to the organization. Just a suggestion.
Well, if they wanted to cut some fat, they can knock off with a $2000 hookers same for the UN.
My point is, AI isn’t AI unless it can educate itself from former mistakes. I see all kinds of fan boys screaming about how Deep Seek is superior because it’s able to learn faster. So I get on A Reedit AI and posed the same question, what mechanism does Deep Seek learn by. Got called all kinds of names. But no one could answer the question.
I get Rich’s point as an investor. True or not it stands to cost him some money or at the very least slow his roll on his portfolio.
I’m thinking it’s all bull shit.
keep up the dindu-grifter shit, assholes
the who-res can sk dk
Bad_Brad – an attempt to describe AI.
AI does use heuristic algorithms that attempt to simulate human problem solving strategies based on data ‘trained into’ the AI. So, it’s abilities to simulate intelligence relies, for the most part, on the data fed into them, and on data that it pulls from the internet (self-training.)
Bad data in results in bad data out, which is evident in AI’s telling children to ‘off’ their parents – among other crazy things. And the heuristics may not be good enough for the AI to determine which data should be ignored or expunged.
This is far from true intelligence.
And to be honest, I am not an AI expert by any means, but I have been a low-level software engineer for over 25 years. And, I just recently stayed in a room at the Holiday Inn Express.
Let the chinks make up the missing buckaroos……the own the WHO lock, stock and barrel and they caused the pandemic.