2021: Long before he was the patriarch of A&E’s Duck Dynasty, Phil Robertson was a self-described ‘scumbag’ who chased worldly pleasures at the expense of his young family. Hear how a relationship with Jesus Christ changed this former ‘beer joint’ owner into one of America’s most loved patriarchs. WATCH
13 Comments on Phil Robertson- Finding Peace of Mind in Christ
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Amusing how it’s always old people staring death in the face who magically “find Jesus”….
He’s been a Christian probably longer than you’ve been alive, Dan.
My grandfather went from being a callous womanizing drunk to a stone-cold sober bible-thumping Jesus freak. Not really sure it was much of an improvement, to be honest.
He was a standout quarterback at LSU. Terry Bradshaw backed him up. Rather than go pro, he decided to make duck calls. The rest, as they say, is history.
Comments are suddenly being moderated or is it personal?
Phil’s testimony is great.
He was born again many years ago and is proof Jesus can change even the worst of us.
God bless him.
Not always Dan, I was 28 when I found Jesus. And I know people that found Jesus much younger than that.
Gee, Dan, EVERYONE’s staring death in the face – many are just too dumb to know it.
One doesn’t have to be old to die.
Only a fool doesn’t fear God (and Jesus IS the living incarnation of the living God).
My sister-in-law gave me a “Happy Happy Happy” baseball cap back when the show was on Discovery. I still have it and wear it occasionally.
The Robertsons may be cheesy in the eyes of the world but I have never heard anyone question their authenticity. sincerity, or realness in faith and family. His witness and story resounds.
@ Richard
Louisiana Tech…..
The fool hath said in his heart; ‘there is no God’.
Since Trump won the election I’ve realized that we’ve had the tee vee on, watching the day’s news (The Five, Jesse Waters, Gutfeld)via YT almost every night while we have dinner. Here’s what I have to report: I’m feeling anxious, tense, annoyed, at times angry, and unsettled. Up to election night we had no daily habit of watching these programs.
It’s true. The minute you take your eyes and ears off Jesus, the world — and its evil ruler — is only too glad to steal your peace of mind and plow a deep furrow into your spirit, separating us from the giver of perfect peace.
The most ridiculous part is that nothing in the daily news of events comes remotely close to satisfying the way that Jesus does.