– After CA Legislature Passes Anti-Trump Spending.
Breitbart: Governor Gavin Newsom is heading to the White House on Wednesday to ask President Donald Trump for federal money to address California’s wildfires, after state legislators passed $50 million to fund anti-Trump measures.
Newsom himself agreed to the $50 million deal in mid-January, with fires still burning in the Los Angeles area, after complaining that Trump wanted to “politicize” the fires by talking about the state’s failed water policies and forestry.
The spending came out of a special legislative session called by Newsom himself. The State Assembly passed the anti-Trump funding right away, and while the State Senate balked at first, it als passed the funding earlier this week.
Newsom has yet to sign or veto the two bills providing the anti-Trump funding. more
Wow, what a golden opportunity to tell Newsom: Go Fuck Yourself and your liberal, commie friends.
Bondi suspended all funding to sanctuary cities and stated today. I don’t think he had a very good meeting. I’m assuming that mean “all funding”. If you give this clown money, he’ll spend it. Probably on illegal aliens. He’s 16o billion in debt. Keep him that way.
Ya know, putting aside that this guy is a total asshole and should be left to stew in the juices of his own recipe, why is it that the practice of sending money, any money to states who should rise or fall on their own ability to manage said state autonomously, why this practice does not invoke torches and pitchforks, and a rigorous amount of storming structures is beyond me.
Ditto with the post about Bondi cutting off aid to sanctuary cities, why are they getting any federal money at all.
I’m probably putting way too much faith in DOGE, but ALL federal money should stay in the hands of the feds. Both states and cities need to manage their own finances without government assistance. If they can’t do it, dissolve their charter and let a neighboring city or state “absorb” them. Honestly, how hard is it to make sure more money comes in and then goes out? Millions of individual households do it.
Investigate how he bought a $9 million dollar mansion. BTW I think he’s the highest paid gov in the country. Doesn’t stop him from stealing more.
Gov. Nuisance has a lot of nerve to come to Pres. Trump, hat in hand to ask for money.
He’s got more nerve than a herd of cockroaches invading one of California’s priciest restaurants, The French Laundry in Napa Valley.
Like Trump said, no money till you get voter i.d.
He should tell Newsome he can’t because the DOJ paused funding for sanctuary cities.
“Ya know, putting aside that this guy is a total asshole and should be left to stew in the juices of his own recipe”
He’s not though. Anybody with a payroll is paying for his inability to manage jack shit. I think it 14% this year and continues to increase every year until the 160 Billion is paid off. It’s nice to be in biz in California. The stupid asshole.
I don’t think that 160 billion includes Calpers. California’s state employees retirement fund. Which is sucking wind. I guess we need more gas taxes.
What is that currently popular quote, “In his quest for power he would burn down his own country just to rule over the ashes.”
CA isn’t the only fully-corrupted state, but it’s one of the biggest in terms of land mass and economy.
I just watched an Epoch Times piece on YT about Devin Nunes fight to expose the FBI’s spying on then-candidate and, later, President Trump. But something I wasn’t very familiar with was Nunes’ fight to bring water back to CA farmers. I highly recommend seeing the presentation.
I hope and pray POTUS Trump is very careful about giving money to CA — even for the fire victims. CA cannot be trusted to use any money wisely.
How’s that bullet train doing??
Rich touches on a point that his been a bone of contention with me for years:
Left wing democrats in big cities chase off their tax base by demonizing whitey and proclaiming, (say, Baltimore) a chocolate city. How do they make up for it? Federal aid to Cities. So the Democrats can make the rest of America pay for their demagoguery.
So goes Commifornia: They’ve wasted their enormous wealth on leftist pursuits knowing that they can always make the rest of America cover their arrogance out of shared compassion. And to this I call Bullshit! California internationally ate their seed corn and now want to not only be fed, but for their crops to be re-planted as well.
In the case of California, they want all of America to cover not just fire relieve but crap like their stupid bullet train. All while they blow their budget virtue signaling with free Medical to illegal aliens. Sometimes people should be forced to live with their own bad, (or in this case arrogant) decisions. It’s called growing up.
“I don’t think that 160 billion includes Calpers.”
Our government is so fucked up that bankrupt states (California, NJ, Illinois, etc.) will go hat in hand to DC and get a bailout.
I planned for just this contingency a long time ago. I’ll take my pension money but if it disappeared tomorrow, I would be fine.
Lance o Lot — Very well stated. Sane people don’t want to enable insane CA (or any insane state) anymore. It’s no wonder biden wanted another 80K IRS agents.
Maybe Brad can tell me how California pays for their free healthcare for illegals?
I was looking on the USA spending site and California gets over a billion dollars for Medicaid, the most of any state.
So are they funding it or are they stealing it from the Medicaid dollars?
Oh and I’ve been watching those illegals protest and just how many there are and it’s no longer surprising California is a blue state, because I would bet every single one of them vote.
This fool is sieve by Governor of California, bet he wants back to billion dollars. he gave to China at the outbreak of the flu.
Here is my wish for Elon. Watch this video of Milton Friedman………….then do everything he says;
If you have money to fund illegals and fund the bill you just passed to defy Pres. Trump, then you don’t need federal dollars.
Newscum: “Sir, may we have some federal dollars?”
Trump: “What’s the magic word?”
Newscum: “Please?”
Trump: “No, what’s your name?”
Newscum: “Newsome”
Trump: “No, what’s your name?”
Newscum: “(sigh) newscum…”
Trump: “Louder, I can’t hear you.”
Newscum: “Newscum!”
Trump: “Okay, you can have the funds. But you better send me receipts for everything you spend it on or Pam is gonna nail your narrow ass to the wall Newscum.”
Newscum: “(sigh)… okay.”
“Maybe Brad can tell me how California pays for their free healthcare for illegals?”
I couldn’t tell you. But here’s my suspicion. I am an employer. And each year our group health care plan increases by a minimum of 15%. My suspicion is we’re subsidizing it through our group health plans. California is an Autocracy and we don’t have the right to know these things. However I think that’s coming to a screaming end. We’re about a half a minute from hitting critical mass. Especially if our Cuck in chief walked away empty handed today. My opinion is California is very close to imploding. We just need one more disaster.
Brad, it wouldn’t surprise me at all if they used federal money to pay for it. Heck I could see them illegally putting illegals on Medicaid.
Fuck off my porch before I slap the hair jell out your slimy ass… and don’t come back.
LOL, that’s telling him.
Old Racist White Woman
My suspicion is it’s not Fed or state money paying for these illegals. It’s private business money in elevated insurance premiums. But how would we ever know. I think we will soon. Elon has already turned his attention to the train to no where. It’ll grow from there.
Giving a dime to Greasy Gavin is just putting good money after bad.
At this point any federal money given to CA is simply rewarding incompetence and we all know you will just get more of that if you pay them for it. We don’t need to be patting Gavin on the back and saying “It’s OK Gavin if you destroyed the state. Here’s a nuther pallet for you”
President Trump should ask why California needs more money after they voted to devote 50 mil to fight President Trump. Then tell Newsom he’ll get a few Sheckles but he has to get in line behind North Carolina.
The idea that Gov. Gruesome is begging for federal funds from President Trump deserves a long stream of “LOLs and HAHAs” as a comment.
President Trump should just respond a resounding “NO” and remind the pompous jerk he’s the Governor of a state with assets that can provide revenue and terminate welfare for illegals. Gov. Gruesome needs to handle his business…so to speak.