President Donald Trump on Friday announced he is revoking former President Joe Biden’s security clearances and stopping his daily intelligence briefings.
“There is no need for Joe Biden to continue receiving access to classified information,” Trump wrote in a post on Truth Social Friday night.
The privileges will be revoked immediately, according to the president.
At this point in his life Biden doesn’t even know what an Intel Briefing actually is.
But, but, how is Hunter gonna make a living and pay child support.
Intelligence to Joe Biden is the equivalent of Etch-A-Sketch to fine art.
Does this in any way affect obama’s security clearance??
That should be the ultimate goal.
…that’s OK, Pedo Joe probably forgot he HAD one…
I doubt Joe will even know.
Hey Crazy Joe, turnabout is fair play! How do you like them apples, bub?
If anyone complains about it, remind them that unsecured classified was found in Biden’s garage from the time frame he was VP. VP’s do not have classify/declassify authority so he should never have the docs in the first place.
I would assume revoking security clearances is a precursor to criminal prosecution.
He’s dead, Jim.
Joe is stumbling along the side of the Revocation Highway. His last stop, next to an abandoned Howard Johnson’s Inn and Restaurant, is a creepy old graveyard.
As Humphrey Bogart said in The Treasure of the Sierra Madre after another gold miner was shot to death: “I guess we ought to dig him a hole”.
I don’t think he’s as mentally gone as he wants you to believe. He was probably more evil than BoRock. He has a price to pay.
Still looking forward to ignoring Pedo Joe’s state funeral.
That’s OK, Joe will be fine with his new career, now that he’s hired a Hollywood talent agency!
Brilliant! Everyone knows Dementia Joe is out to lunch. HOWEVER, Dr. Jill, KamalMao, Barry, Big Mike, Hellary, Billy and a host of other nefarious high level Shadow Government operatives could obtain security clearance and intel briefings from Biden.
Since the intel would be sourced by the Trump Administration, it could be used to sabotage MAGA directives, military plans, diplomacy, etc.
The above mentioned cabal need their security clearances officially revoked also, even if expired to confirmed they are a threat to US sovereignty.