FDA Admits Covid mRNA ‘Vaccines’ Trigger Cancers – IOTW Report

FDA Admits Covid mRNA ‘Vaccines’ Trigger Cancers

Slay: The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has just made the explosive admission that Covid mRNA “vaccines” are spiked with contaminations that triggered a global surge in cancers.

The federal agency made the admission after an FDA study confirmed that Pfizer’s Covid mRNA “vaccine” contains dangerous levels of excess DNA contamination.

As Slay News previously reported, leading scientists have been warning for some time that surges in deadly cancers among the Covid-vaccinated were caused by DNA fragments in the mRNA injections.

Those warnings have now been confirmed in a bombshell study conducted in the FDA’s own laboratory.

Tests conducted at the FDA’s White Oak Campus in Maryland found shocking levels of DNA contamination in the “vaccines.”

The residual DNA levels exceeded regulatory safety limits by 6 to 470 times. more here

Another State Moves to Ban Covid ‘Vaccines’ Over Surging Deaths.

39 Comments on FDA Admits Covid mRNA ‘Vaccines’ Trigger Cancers

  1. Kentucky will have their mRNA ban vetoed by the Democrat governor that had the election stolen on his behalf for this and other Democrat purposes. Mitch’s corpse will signal agreement with the fraudulent governor.

    No chance of it ever happening north in OH. They dont come more RINOy Democrat than DeWhine…

  2. More gaslighting. The DNA was/is not a contaminant, but was deliberately included to do exactly what it has done. Similarly, the “lab leak” theory is a pile of BS. Every covid strain was engineered and released intentionally for one purpose, to scare sheeple into taking the deadly mRNA jab. This is but the first salvo in Bill Gates’ fever dream of drastically depopulating humans on the globe to “save the planet and slow global warming”. Oops, I meant eliminate “useless eaters” and free up almost unlimited wealth and resources for our globalist/elite would-be overlords.

  3. Remember when they said “the vaccine is both safe and effective”
    It was neither and kids were the least affected group of all.
    Requiring kids to be COVID vaxxed as a prerequisite to entering kindergarten is just plain criminal!

  4. Harry
    Friday, 14 February 2025, 13:44 at 1:44 pm

    “Requiring kids to be COVID vaxxed as a prerequisite to entering kindergarten is just plain criminal!”

    …they did the kids because they HAD to do the kids to get the liability protection under the 1986 Vaxxx law and NO OTHER REASON.


    …no other reason LEGALLY, that is, but Democrats DO enjoy abusing children, murdering innocents, and causing the greatest amount of pain and suffering possible to as many as they can in a vain atrempt to gain the favor of their father satan, that is…

  5. Golly, but I have a whole lot of ammo, 5.56, .30-06, 12 gauge, 9 mm, that I have to use up before it’s all past the “use by” date¹. I wonder what I should shoot at?


    1. Yes. I know.

  6. Coming soon to a late night/early morning infomercial near you: “Have you or someone you know received one or more of the Covid mRNA vaccines? You may be entitled to compensation.”

  7. Slay News is not a great source. I could not find anything on FDA site. The study is not that conclusive about triggering cancer.

    I have to read everything now since few can be trusted

    Oh. Still not taking the jab!

  8. A lot of educated peeps out there think it’s the delivery system. That makes sense when you consider all manufacturers of the “JAB” have had identical after effects. I don’t think they are even separating them out by manufacturer anymore. So if it is the Mrna delivery system research what they’re sticking you with. This years flu vax was delivered with Mrna technology.

  9. Bad_Brad
    Friday, 14 February 2025, 14:33 at 2:33 pm
    “A lot of educated peeps out there think it’s the delivery system. That makes sense when you consider all manufacturers of the “JAB” have had identical after effects. I don’t think they are even separating them out by manufacturer anymore.”

    …that was questionable from the get-go. They said you could MIX vaxxxines from different manufacurers which was previously unheard of in medicines, they changed lomgstanding subcutaneous injection procedures that were designed to prevent the tecnician from inadvertently injecting the poison IV instead of IM, they had a deplorable general lack of training for injectors, used expired vaxxxes, used improperly stored vaxxxes, used vaxxxes without parental knowledge or consent, and generally treated the Jab in ways that NO OTHER MEDICINE has ever been handled.

    Almost like “health care” was NOT the goal of the vaxxx at ALL…

  10. “Almost like “health care” was NOT the goal”

    And nothing has changed, or corrected itself, to this day. Why does my pharmacy constantly push one vax after another on me. When did pharmacies become health care providers. The VAX’s are free. So who’s paying for them? I imagine Elon will get to this sooner or later.

  11. Bad_Brad
    Friday, 14 February 2025, 14:56 at 2:56 pm

    ‘Why does my pharmacy constantly push one vax after another on me. When did pharmacies become health care providers.’


    …for example…

    “Vaccines available at Walgreens
    COVID-19 (CoV-2) ›
    Pneumococcal (pneumonia) ›
    Human papillomavirus (HPV) ›
    Hepatitis B ›
    Herpes zoster (shingles) ›
    Meningococcal (meningitis) ›
    Typhoid ›
    Tick-borne encephalitis ›
    Influenza (flu) ›
    Tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis (Tdap) ›
    Hepatitis A and hepatitis B (Hep A/B) ›
    Japanese encephalitis ›
    Monkeypox (Mpox) ›
    Yellow fever ›
    Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) ›
    Measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) ›
    Hepatitis A ›
    Human papillomavirus (HPV) ›
    Varicella (chickenpox) ›
    Polio ›
    Rabies ›”


    …all while you shop!

    …and good luck getting the blue haired piercing to recusitate you if you react to one or more. I was picking up a script the other day when the pharma tech had a meltdown about her login not working, so I kinda question her coping skillz if her patient’s HEART isnt…

  12. ^^^^^
    I will bet money a good chunk of those are now delivered with the Mrna delivery system. It’s all the rage. You just know when it’s free someones making money hand over fist.


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