I hope @Kash_Patel fires the “Patriot Front” wing of the FBI before tomorrow morning.
7 Comments on “I hope Kash Patel fires the “Patriot Front” wing of the FBI before tomorrow morning.”
Fire? Sure…if Gitmo is full.
MAGA needs to DEMAND that each and every particular regarding Patriot Front be disclosed. We need to know the full details and the identity of everyone involved in any aspect. Friends, this is Brownshirt stuff here and it is not one goddamned bit funny. The fact that they thought they could get away with it is funny in a way, but for the most part it is serious as a heart attack.
Anyone who wears a mask cannot be trusted. Hamas and losers like Patriot Front are prime examples.
These pernicious m—-rf—-rs are the true “crisis actors” which plague our country, and they are aided by johnny-on-the-spot media in their charades. The journos show up as if by magic and dutifully record the theatrics, then package the presentation as news.
There is cooperation at the highest levels between feds and fake news in contriving these shows, probably some USAID subsidies as well. The meedia is is bad shape financially and will easily—and literally—whore itself out to the feds in getting the propaganda across. Ali Watkins was just the tip of that iceberg.
Go get the made-for-TV fascists, Kash, but try to nail their PR machine as well.
badge-******* threatening gbh/death, proceed @ your own risk
More suitable would be fired, followed by prison time.
Fired, then prosecuted for sedition or whatever they can get them on for impersonating an organization to push a completely made up agenda.
Fire? Sure…if Gitmo is full.
MAGA needs to DEMAND that each and every particular regarding Patriot Front be disclosed. We need to know the full details and the identity of everyone involved in any aspect. Friends, this is Brownshirt stuff here and it is not one goddamned bit funny. The fact that they thought they could get away with it is funny in a way, but for the most part it is serious as a heart attack.
Anyone who wears a mask cannot be trusted. Hamas and losers like Patriot Front are prime examples.
These pernicious m—-rf—-rs are the true “crisis actors” which plague our country, and they are aided by johnny-on-the-spot media in their charades. The journos show up as if by magic and dutifully record the theatrics, then package the presentation as news.
There is cooperation at the highest levels between feds and fake news in contriving these shows, probably some USAID subsidies as well. The meedia is is bad shape financially and will easily—and literally—whore itself out to the feds in getting the propaganda across. Ali Watkins was just the tip of that iceberg.
Go get the made-for-TV fascists, Kash, but try to nail their PR machine as well.
badge-******* threatening gbh/death, proceed @ your own risk
More suitable would be fired, followed by prison time.
Fired, then prosecuted for sedition or whatever they can get them on for impersonating an organization to push a completely made up agenda.
Then Gitmo.