What about all the jobs in the oil and gas industry? Why didn’t the media worry about them? – IOTW Report

What about all the jobs in the oil and gas industry? Why didn’t the media worry about them?

American Thinker-

By Jack Hellner

The federal government is clearly bloated.

Spending has grown 600% since 1990 from around $1 trillion to around $7 trillion while inflation has gone up around 140%. 

Yet, the media and other Democrats are reacting to Trump’s audits of agencies to find waste, fraud, and abuse as if they are illegal and a disaster.

They love auditing the people and businesses in the private sector, with their 87,000 new IRS agents, yet they are suing to stop the audits of government agencies. 

There are 438 agencies in the federal government. Each one is its own bureaucracy.

I can’t imagine how many agencies perform overlapping work.

For decades the federal budget appears to be on automatic pilot. They just increased last year’s budget without justifying the spending this year.  more here

9 Comments on What about all the jobs in the oil and gas industry? Why didn’t the media worry about them?

  1. “The press is a gang of cruel faggots. Journalism is not a profession or a trade. It is a cheap catch-all for fuckoffs and misfits—a false doorway to the backside of life, a filthy piss-ridden little hole nailed off by the building inspector, but just deep enough for a wino to curl up from the sidewalk and masturbate like a chimp in a zoo-cage.”
    ― Hunter S. Thompson, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

  2. The media didn’t worry about the jobs lost when Biden stopped the border wall construction. If the media is so worried about laid off or not retained Fed workers, they could always remind them the Keystone Pipeline & Border Wall const jobs are hiring.

  3. Drive through anywhere in the USA and see the abandoned factories and entire city blocks of rowhomes and then ask me if I GAF about these government tit-suckers losing their worthless jobs.
    BTW – the “what did you do last week” email was to root out worthless bums who don’t even check their work emails and also the ghost employees that don’t even exist other than a digital placeholder to scam a paycheck.

  4. Aaaaaaaaaand no mention of what that insufferable kiddy-sniffing, baby-bitting, daughter-showering, insulting grinning imbecile told all the coal- miners, gas and oil workers what to do:

    Imagine the Media’s fury if Trump had said something like that!!

  5. Jethro – Way back…The first thing I noticed was the textile industry disappearing. Factories closed and became restaurants or apartment buildings. With that, the fabric was made in China or wherever and didn’t even feel like cotton and was damn near see-thru.

    Yet the industry has slave labor in china, the 3rd world, making clothes that are crappy and they have the balls to charge $$$ for everything because of the “Brand.” Like I give a chiffon about somebody’s name on my skirt.


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