Kash Patel Launches Investigation Into James Comey’s Secret ‘Honeypot’ Operation  – IOTW Report

Kash Patel Launches Investigation Into James Comey’s Secret ‘Honeypot’ Operation 

FBI Director Kash Patel has launched an investigation into former Director James Comey’s secret “honeypot” operation involving 2 female undercover agents who targeted President Trump’s 2016 campaign, according to The Washington Times.

Last October it was revealed that according to an FBI whistleblower, former Director James Comey inserted two female agents inside the Trump campaign in 2016.

The Washington Times reported that the female agents were directed to act as “honeypots” and travel with Trump and his staff.

This was an “off-the-books” operation and was separate from Comey and Obama’s Crossfire Hurricane operation (launched in July 2016) that targeted Trump based on false Russian collusion lies. more here

16 Comments on Kash Patel Launches Investigation Into James Comey’s Secret ‘Honeypot’ Operation 

  1. “The Washington Times reported that the female agents were directed to act as “honeypots” and travel with Trump and his staff.”

    Just exactly what was expected of them to do? Honeypots are traps luring dishonest people. They weren’t brought in as political contributors, so what the heck were they doing, offering BJs to everyone?

  2. You said it Uncle Al! When does anyone pay a price? You cannot embarrass or shame them as they have no dignity to start with. They will not accept being told they acted illegally as they have no sense of morality or integrity either. You can’t threaten their income as there is always some university or PAC or media that will give them a high paying job. Before I leave this earth I want the world to know that evil never prospers. I want to see it with my own eyes.

  3. @Uncle Al

    Kask just got sworn in a few days ago, even Moses had to walk a bit before he did his thing with the Red Sea.

    I also think that we need to reign in our expectations. Comey is not going to be “perp walked”, or even charged, assuming nothing more revelatory appears. But the fact that Kash is even looking into this is “moving the ball forward”.

    This FBI web of deceit and corruption is vast and intricate. It will take time to investigate properly. And yes, I do NOT want an instant replay of the Durham fiasco, where we all hoped the criminals would be caught and punished. I’m willing (for now) to allow Kash to do what he says he will do.

  4. This has a better chance of being an investigation as opposed to an “investigation” than anything I’ve seen in my lifetime. I’ve seen more that is encouraging go down in the last month alone than I have seen in the previous sixty five years. Trump/MAGA is prepping the environment by weakening and in many cases dismantling the barriers surrounding these fuckers. Have patience.

  5. What’s the point of this? There’s a FIVE YEAR STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS on anything that possibly could be charged.

    Is this a diversion for media consumption, or a headfake to misdirect perps from other investigations?

  6. I just read an article in The Epoch Times (everyone should subscribe, 4 bucks a month) about Tulsi dropping the hammer;


    I get the notion that “History tells us that nothing will happen to these crooks,” so why bother?

    Trump, and the folks he has picked, understand how corrupt the system has been and how hungry the American people are for some semblance of justice. I have a good feeling that it’s coming.

  7. I’m beyond sick and tired and fed the fuck up with people who act like infants and want things to happen now. In case your powers of observation and ability to recognize patterns are not developed beyond that stage, let me spell it out for you.

    We saw what the apparatus that the progressive/Marxist/Satanist movement, which includes BOTH the Democrats and Republican establishment, has deliberately and methodically put in place over the last ten decades did to thwart implementation of the Trump/MAGA agenda. Nobody, and I mean nobody, can make a case that passes the straight face test that Donald Trump did not make a good faith effort to deliver. What we saw, and what I 100% expected to see, was the Democrats in the streets throwing temper tantrums. So what, just steam roll the bastards, the Republicans had the House, Senate and the Executive branches. So while distracting Americans with street theater, the Republican establishment (and Paul Ryan in particular) was busy feigning opposition to them and alliance with Trump/MAGA, while throwing a wrench in the works and ratfucking us.

    There is a demand for instant gratification that is the stuff of infants and drug addicts, but without first doing the work necessary to get that element neutered, if not completely out of the way, to haul these fuckers in and actually get somewhere close to the justice they have coming to them is a pipe dream. It is fantasy land. It is unrealistic to believe. It is an expectation that has absolutely no basis in realistically expecting will end up with the bastards facing justice.

    Insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results and that is exactly what the dimwits who are crying, pouting and complaining about are demanding. Grow the fuck up, wake up. And smell the coffee.

    Trump/Team MAGA absolutely needs to get these bastards neutralized or out of the way or they will ratfuck everything, just like they have done time after time. It is what is known as prepping the environment and I recognized it in 2019/2020 in the run up to the roll out of the Covid Offensive.

    This is not going to happen by magic. It takes planning and setup and it is beyond obvious that Trump/Team MAGA is working deliberately and systematically to make what you are demanding a possibility.

  8. I’m not as concerned with INDIVIDUALS facing justice as I am with the thorough and exhaustive dismantling of the progressive/Marxist/Satanist apparatus. Vengeance is mine, says the Lord. I would not object to it, if it happens I’ll celebrate it, but would it affect my life and the lives of other innocent human beings? Yes it would, in as much as it would serve as a warning to others hell bent on following in their footsteps, but not to the degree dismantling the progressive/Marxist/Satanist apparatus would. That to me is the core deliverable. Focus on the core deliverable and the rest of what you want will come with it is what I told others I worked with. Trust me, if Trump/MAGA delivers these bastards will suffer fate worse to them than death. Their support network is going down daily. Without the media,! Academia and USAID funded progressive NGOs and non profits to take them in they don’t have anywhere to seek refuge in. Foreign governments will not support them the way they have in the past either. W/o top secret security clearances they have no value.

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