USDA Sec’y: We’re Starting to Import Eggs to Help Shortage, We’ll Also Lift Regulations – IOTW Report

USDA Sec’y: We’re Starting to Import Eggs to Help Shortage, We’ll Also Lift Regulations

Update: h/t Anonymous <— Farm search.


Secretary Brooke Rollins said that the USDA will be rolling out a plan to deal with bird flu on Wednesday, the U.S. is beginning to import eggs to help deal with supply issues, and regulations that are increasing egg prices will be listed.

Rollins stated, “[W]e, at USDA, are, tomorrow, going to be rolling out a plan that addresses the avian flu directly. But I do think it’s really important for everyone to understand that this problem did not just happen overnight, and it will take us a little while to get our arms around it. Vaccinations will continue to be looked at and reviewed. Only a handful of countries around the world actually use vaccinations for their egg-laying hens, for their chickens.” more

14 Comments on USDA Sec’y: We’re Starting to Import Eggs to Help Shortage, We’ll Also Lift Regulations

  1. One of the many acts of sabotage perpetrated by the spiteful, evil Biden Administration to damage the Trump Administration. The Biden government ordering the culling of millions of healthy chickens because of a fake bird flu epidemic caused this egg shotage crisis. Importing eggs is only a stop gap. It might help in the short-term, but egg prices will still be high for awhile.

  2. Thanks, Anonymous –
    I’m surrounded by several farms and we don’t have the egg issue at the grocery stores, yet.
    But my parents spent 15 bucks for a dozen eggs in Nevada. I’ll send them the link.


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